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Friday, August 07, 2020

“Treason!” President Trump Lashes out at Obama, Biden as Sally Yates Testifies on Carter Page FISA Warrants

The Senate Judiciary Committee chaired by Lindsey Graham (SC) held a hearing on Wednesday on oversight of the FBI’s Crossfire Hurricane investigation.

Former Acting Attorney General Sally Yates testified that she reviewed the first and second Carter Page FISA warrants “in their entirety” before signing them.

Yates said that that she would not have signed off on the surveillance of Carter Page if she knew what she knows now.

Recall, former DAG Rod Rosenstein said the same thing during his June testimony.



  1. Impeach Biden before he runs for President. Lol
    He admits extorting Ukraine while Vice President.

    1. Ain't over until the Fat Lady sings😂😂😂😂


  2. Let's give a thimbleful of credit to Yates.

    As Acting AG she openly defied the newly innaugurated President Trump's instructions and he immediately fired her ass. Showed us there was really and truly a new sheriff!

    In consideration, she should be granted parole after finishing her life sentence.


  3. This is why the left wants Biden in

    it will all go away if Democrats take over

  4. 8:21 on. Good point. However, I believe it would be Obama's 3rd term - Biden a puppet.


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