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Friday, August 28, 2020

Towson University sees coronavirus cases jump, moves all classes online for 1st week

The Maryland school announced 55 out of 627 recent tests came back positive

Towson University has moved all classes online for the first week of the fall semester due to an increase in positive COVID-19 results.

University officials say a sample of 627 tests conducted on campus between last Wednesday and Thursday as part of their mandatory baseline testing, returned 55 positive results, prompting the temporary move online.

They say in part "It's critical for the continued health and safety of our community, which remains TU's stop priority."

Students worry once they are back on campus and back in the classroom this will just continue to happen.



  1. Yep yep yep yep yep yep.

  2. How many of those 55 were hospitalized or died? If the answer is none then they should probably move ahead with opening.

    1. 3:40 I’m glad you’re not in charge of anything health-related.

  3. How about those 55 get tested again somehwhere else and lets see how many turn out to be false positives. I have no faith in the tests anymore. Additionally the CDC has changed the guidelines on testing to not test people who don't have symptoms

  4. Everyone I know that got this virus said it was nothing. Just sniffles for a day.

    1. Then you don't know people that have it. It is two weeks of hell. At least. I am not going to say we should shut down because of it, we shouldn't. But saying it is the flu and nothing takes away all creditability. This virus is serious and makes you very sick. And you can get it again. If someone is sick for a day or two, it isn't covid.

    2. Just riot and you will not get sick.

    3. 6:39
      You are correct
      It is a bioweapon

      Very bad experience

  5. Lies. All false positives. Also, if you do happen to have symptoms DO NOT go get tested. It will eventually be used against you.

  6. Lies. All false positives. Also, if you do happen to have symptoms DO NOT go get tested. It will eventually be used against you.

  7. These are some of the POS Rioting RACIST'S.

  8. Transgender @ Salisbury UniversityAugust 28, 2020 at 6:39 PM

    I'm kinda glad Salisbury University is not doing this

    We 💘 Jake Day and want to stop over his house nightly because Liz is finally out of the picture

  9. At this time Covid is only as serious as the flu. Hospitalization are down and most people recover at home. Everything should open up including the schools.

    1. 99..8 percent recovery without treatment. That is higher then knee replacement surgery. Per CDC. Also absolutely zero evidence mask do anything. Good job

  10. Are these just positive test result cases or actual students with symptoms.

  11. This disease has morphed more than a thousand times since it's been here and will never again be not here. That being said, most of us have contracted it and have suffered anywhere from asymptomatic to death,.

    I, personally have had it in mid January for two days, one with a fever at age 66.

    I don't use hand sanitizer and well, clenliniless is not my regular practice, so I probably get and process more germs than most.

    Bottom line, God will be the decision maker here. Get your life in order if you think you're next!!

    Luckily, I'm past it, am carrying the antibodies, can't give it to you and you can't give it to me, just like probably 80% of us!

    Live your lives. That's why we're here.

  12. Northwest Woodsman: If you are interested, go to YouTube and look up “Towson championship debate team”. An eye opening look at what that “university” produces. I was stunned and found it completely disturbing especially since one of my long time friends is a professor there.


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