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Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Thomas Gallatin: Biden Is No Bastion of Virtue or Integrity

The veteran politico is infamous for slimy tactics, including lying about Michael Brown.

Joe Biden’s presidential campaign message in a nutshell is “vote for me, because I’m not Donald Trump.” Ever since Trump’s surprise defeat of Hillary Clinton, the mainstream media, political pundits, and Beltway intellectuals have moaned ad nauseam over how awful he is. “He’s lowered the dignity of the office,” they say. “He’s the worst president the nation has ever had,” they scream. And on and on the negative sentiments go.

In fact, no president in modern history has experienced even remotely the amount of negative coverage by the MSM as has Trump. So despised is Trump by the Leftmedia that reporters no longer even attempt to feign any semblance of objective journalism, all their phony “fact-checks” notwithstanding. They have essentially (and in some cases literally) declared that resisting Trump is the only morally acceptable position one can take.

The irony in all this is the old white man the Democrat Party propped up as the man to defeat Trump and bring back “normalcy” to Washington is one of the Swamp’s slimiest politicians over the last 50 years. Biden is more than a creepy, hair-sniffing gaffe machine. He’s a documented serial liar. And his habit of uttering falsehoods hasn’t stopped.


1 comment:

  1. Swamp’s slimiest politicians over the last 50 years... describes Biden to a tee.


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