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Monday, August 24, 2020

The US House just passed a $25 Billion Bill to fund the Post Office

The House of Representatives reconvened for a rare Saturday session, passing legislation to address concerns about the U.S. Postal Service. The bill would provide $25 billion in emergency funds to shore up the U.S. Postal Service and halt any changes to the agency’s operation until after the November presidential election.

The vote came just one day after the USPS’s newly appointed boss, Postmaster General Louis DeJoy, testified before a Senate committee on Friday, reassuring lawmakers that his agency could handle the expected influx of mail-in ballots.

Still, Democrats moved forward with the vote, which passed on Saturday with 257 in favor and 150 against. House Democrats voted unanimously for the bill, with 26 Republicans also voting yes.

The bill reflects Democrats’ concerns that delivery delays could affect millions of Americans and the November election held during the coronavirus pandemic.

The bill appeared unlikely to move through the Republican-controlled Senate, though. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said on Friday that concerns over the mail-in ballots was a “nonexistent problem.” He didn’t say whether the Senate would schedule a vote on the bill. The White House threatened to veto the bill on Friday evening.



  1. 4th attempt...keep getting an error when I try to send this comment...
    Joe, I just found out that will not have any voting machines on Smith Island this year. If they want to vote they have to take a boat to the mainland and find a ride to a voting location. Here is a link that explains it all. https://www.facebook.com/everett.landon/timeline?lst=100000541036892%3A100000514470561%3A1598286865

  2. It’s to fund election fraud... Democrats can scramble and approve money when they can try to illegally take power but not to help the people

  3. I guess they want to bankrupt us? Why can't people open their eyes. Can I get a bail out for running my business into the ground? Business should make a profit if it doesn't, it closes. Someone else can have a go of it. How many billions will we give them? Only in America...

    1. 1:17
      Who is “We”?
      Who are you talking about?

      Have you printed some US Dollars recently?
      I have not.

    2. 2:06 PM
      We, us, our
      It is our money. US Gov 101

  4. Senate will not pass! Mickie Con already said he wouldn't entertain it for a vote.

    1. Why fund voter fraud but not the American people?

  5. It will never clear the Senate! Dumbocrats love throwing away our tax dollars!!

  6. 211 - a slow cleansing of the masses.

    AOC is currently questioning the Postmaster General in committee. AOC a college grad from Boston U, then a prior waitress/barkeep, no politico experience yet finishing her 2nd year in US CONgress.

    So funny. We make fun of a politician who doesn't have a college degree (HS/GED) yet has politico experience (whether agreed to or not) and recently lost his bid for Wico Executive.

    Only in America!

  7. This bill also give stimulis cash to illegals, health care to illegals, and paid loss time from work if sick with the virus. Guess the illegals are going to get the vote next!

  8. 2:11 PM Only in America? Yes, only in America can you get ELECTED to an office with little education and even less experience. If the same person is APPOINTED to a position without the ability to sit still and read a book, it may not be in the public’s best interest. The best interest of the appointing body doesn’t matter.

  9. What? 25 billion will only shore them up till November? That's what it sounds like in the article! If that be the case they need a drastic overhaul!!

  10. The House controlled by Nazis is IRRELEVANT & Nobody cares !!!


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