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Thursday, August 20, 2020

The Re-Rehabilitation Of The Clintons

Tonight, former President Bill Clinton speaks at the Democratic National Convention. Tomorrow night, it’s his wife Hillary’s turn. The pervert and the enabler. Hell of a line-up Democrats have assembled.

It wasn’t that long ago Democrats were condemning Bill for his well-documented perverted past. They didn’t mean it, of course, but they did it.

Remember the #MeToo movement? When the left pretended to care about sexual harassment and women being abused by men? Democrat politicians and donors were dropping like flies – John Conyers, Al Franken, Harvey Weinstein, etc. – the party was having a rough go of it.

Then came the confirmation hearing for Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. Democrats manufactured an opportunity for them to get a scalp. There was one big problem, however, the former president of the United States was a well-known philanderer who’d been accused on multiple occasions of not taking “no” for an answer.



  1. Bill Clinton’s picture is circulating the internet of he and a child rape victim on Epstein island.... why is he not in jail ?

  2. Bill and Hilary - The perv and the peeved.

  3. One woman that spoke at the DNC convention of freaks did 26 years in prison for the sexual torture and Murder of a 62 year old man.
    She and other prostitutes sodomized him with a three foot steel pipe and crushed his testicles with pliers while he was alive.
    She is a Democrat activist whom they call one of “America’s most impactful leaders”.


  4. Democrats are Used to being ABOVE the Law !!! None ever held
    accountable !! But that is about to Change !!! Just wait & see !!!


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