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Thursday, August 20, 2020

The Moment Trump Won Re-Election: The Cringiest Part of the Dem Convention Everyone is Talking About (VIDEO)

The Commie Democrat convention kicked off Monday evening and it was a total dumpster fire.

The Democrat party has embraced neo-Marxists who are openly calling for the destruction of Capitalism and the defunding of the police.

Classless Michelle Obama trashed President Trump last night in a pre-recorded speech.

Socialist Bernie Sanders lashed out at President Trump and bragged about how far left the Democrat party has moved.



  1. Steve bannon got arrested for boarder wall scam. Thanks Steve give something liberals to scream and campaign about 24/7. Good job 👏🏻

  2. Omg - every one must get out and vote for Trump. This video is only the beginning of BLM and yours does not. How insane. Disgusting.

  3. I love the way that Harris accepted the nomination for VP. What? The VP isn't elected on their own. They ride the coast trails of the presidential nominee.

  4. Don't let your guard down for a moment. The Dems won't quit.


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