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Saturday, August 29, 2020

Texas County drops from 4,600+ Active Covid case to under 100 after audit

Coronavirus impact has been politically exploited and grossly overstated

Doubting the accuracy of State of Texas Covid-19 numbers, Collin Co., Texas, dropped its active case numbers from over 4600 to under 100 overnight after an audit.

Earlier this month, Collin Co.’s ‘Covid-19 Dashboard’ claimed over 4600 active cases in the county based on data provided by the Texas Dept. of State Health Services, prompting county officials to question the accuracy of the data because, presumably, the county’s hospitals weren’t overloaded.



  1. Texas and Florida are overloaded icu beds are all filled no protection people using vacuums to breath.

    1. You can’t even spell breathe and I’m supposed to assume you’re telling the truth or know anything at all?

    2. Plus , vacuums take the breaths from you, not help you BREATHE. LOL

    3. I live in Florida and I can tell you absolutely the beds are not filled with COVID cases. In Tallahassee there are 2 hospitals and in mid-August there was a grand total of FIVE cases. I'm assuming that you are getting your information from the MSM news which has been caught numerous times lying and exaggerating the COVID "deaths". You need to take off your mask, go outside, breathe some fresh air and get on with your life and let the rest of us do the same.

  2. All an overblown hoax perpetrated by Democrats and China

  3. Okay, hoax numbers are exposed here. How much federal $$ did these braniacs claim? And how many other hundreds of hospitals did the same thing?

  4. Northwest Woodsman: I have been saying all along that this whole “pandemic “ is a fraud perpetrated for political reasons. Our economy was booming, unemployment even among blacks was incredibly low and something had to be done to destroy it or President Trump would surely be re-elected. It was just another convenient issue that could be added to all of the other false claims and concocted issues democrats saw as a way of disrupting the elections.


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