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Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Stolen Mailboxes? Don't Fall For Dems' Latest Conspiracy Theory

Democrats and the media are meddling in our elections again. But this is getting absurd...

Joe Biden peddles fake stories of “tractor trailers picking up mailboxes.” Members of Congress threaten to throw the postmaster general in jail. Soviet-style propaganda posters of mailboxes propagate on social media. Prominent Democrats share grainy photos tweeted by has-been actresses with crackpot theories of MAGA-hat wearing postmen out to steal the election.

Never mind every major Postal Service union has endorsed Biden, including the American Postal Workers Union and the National Association of Letter Carriers, which together represent 520,000 active and retired USPS employees. The APWU recently said 2020 is “shaping up to be a major election for our Union,” and view President Trump as a “serious threat.”


But it can’t be a vast conspiracy theory without Hillary Clinton’s projection. “Nothing stops the mail,” the Chardonnay enthusiast tweeted. Except when USPS partnered with unions to allow mail carriers to take time off to try to get Clinton elected, in “systematic violation” of the law.

There was no Russia collusion in 2016. There were no Julie Swetnick “train rapes” in 2018. And there are no disappearing post boxes in 2020.



  1. So where is the mail box that was just outside my building last month? Are you saying it was never there? I never saw it or used it? Has it become invisible? Where is my mail that hasn't come in 3 days? Where is my package that I ordered over 2 weeks ago? Where are my neighbor's medications that she has been a week without? Stop it Joe.

  2. Well it is an certain Irony that Trumps top fundraiser was appointed Post Master General in anticipation of the unpredictable circumstances in the looming election. Why are so many of these politicians and appointees people that really don't need jobs ? Most have made their livings and I find it hard to believe their motives are all so altruistic and in service of the nation and the people. There is something else going on. Either lots more money to be made for them doing little or nothing or POWER itself must be some crazy high for them.

  3. It's all bullshit. They remove boxes that get vandalized or not used all the time. It started twenty years ago when the idiots would throw all kids of crap in a mailbox. But now we have Rino Mitch telling everyone the PO will have everything they need for mail in ballots. Isn't that nice?? They still have 10 million that was given to them last year not even touched. Good ole SPINLESS COWARD MITCH MCCONNELL. BLUE THROUGH AND THROUGH.


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