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Monday, August 24, 2020

'Serial grifter' avoids eviction from woman's NYC home: suit

A West Villager has been tormented for more than a year by a messy, obstinate roommate who has been refusing to pay rent or move out, according to shocking court papers.

Barrow Street resident Heidi Russell’s short-term renter, Kate Gladstone, is a “serial grifter” who has become a long-term nightmare, taking over her apartment, repeatedly spritzing her with cleaning chemicals and basically squatting for free, the court papers claim.

It’s been so unbearable, Russell often flees her two-bedroom apartment during the day, just to get away from Gladstone.

“She’s turned me into a homeless person during the pandemic,” said Russell.

“I’m out on the street, with my mask and my old dog in a carriage. It’s just taken over our lives.”



  1. Heidi Russell just doesn't know how to play the game. I had this same issue with a renter. They wouldn't leave so I took the bedroom door off the hinges, removed the renters devices from my wifi at the router, and removed the window unit AC from the bedroom in July (Old house with no central A/C).

  2. This is one of those laws which is completely lacking in common sense.
    Maybe the judges could take her in if they are so concerned about the bum .

  3. A judge should rule based on law. Not a feeling of emotion. This is concerning as this case will be used as reference for many more to come. I fear constitutional law is over. It is awful to watch things continue to go downhill.

  4. Everytime I read one of these stories I think of AC/DC, " dirty deeds, done dirt cheap"!

  5. She should file a restraining order to keep that crazy renter away from her.

  6. I know how i would handle this.

    The problem would just go away.

  7. Lets tell the whole story on the Delmar land purchase revote. The first vote was turned down because the price of the property was too high. They voted the second time to purchase the property after the land owner lowered the price. So you are starting to sound like a politician. The Council made a decision and now the people in Salisbury that think they are more important than anyone else in the County want a revote. To hell with them. The Doctor would not have been my choice but I can live with it to give him a chance. The person with the education for the job was Mrs. Ennis but they weren't going to allow that to happen. So what they really want is the idiot Anderton and they won't stop until they get the vote overturned. Your not he only one with the balls to sign your name, my name is Jack Bennett, Sharptown MD. and my phone number is in the phone book too if you can find one.

    1. Jack,
      You may think the anatomy below your belt makes you tough. The anatomy above your collar is what matters. You left this comment on the wrong story. Good grief.

  8. So, let me get this straight: the NYPD is openly discouraged from fighting crime, but are made to serve as public safety escorts to people like her?
    And New York’s leaders wonder why people in the heartland think they’re pathetic...


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