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Thursday, August 20, 2020

Senate Intel Panel Finds ‘Absolutely No Evidence’ of Collusion, Faced Roadblocks

The Senate Intelligence Committee said in a long-awaited report released Tuesday that there is no evidence that the Trump campaign conspired with the Russian government to influence the 2016 election, affirming the findings of other investigations into an alleged Trump-Kremlin conspiracy.

The Intelligence Committee’s report, which clocks in at 966 pages, also offers a scathing assessment of the FBI’s handling of the so-called Steele dossier, a key document in the Trump-Russia collusion conspiracy theory.



  1. But yet again the senate did not look at democrats or Hillary Clinton, Obama and Biden. It’s impossible to conduct investigation with out following all leads that pertain to it. Clinton emails. Benghazi, colluding with foreign governments to influence an election. Republicans are a freakin joke and their is ONE PARTY. Power, money and msm is the only party. People are to stupid to realize it. This very blog supported lock downs and shaming people. For what? More cases now the before.
    Keep cheering

  2. So, whats the response from the Soros paid troll that usually on here?

  3. Yep bunch of bull**** where are the charges against Adam Schiff. he said he had proof..they all lied. The MSM & the Democrats and Never Trumper Republicans...it was the Democrats colluded with Russia


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