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Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Seattle Beer Maker Puts Anti-Cop Hate-Slur on Can – and Let's Just Say It's Falling Flat

Even Seattle cops drink beer, but you can rest assured, police officers won’t be buying anything from Mirage Beer for a long time, if ever. And neither will a whole lot of other people after the brewery put an anti-cop message on its beer.

Seattle’s Mirage Beer company’s message for police officers isn’t subtle. There’s no mirage involved here. The small beer maker’s message is right there on its can.

Let’s get a look at it.



  1. I wish they were local so I could boycott them along with Goodyear

  2. It'll be kind of ironic if they fail, being named after a now you see it now you don't event.

  3. Just wants attention and for his beer sales to go up.

  4. Things continue to go crazy... everywhere.

  5. This is how a free society operates. They have the right to say it, I have a right to disagree, and everyone has the choice whether or not to buy the product.

  6. BLM changed the narrative on all of us. They flipped the story so to speak.

    Police enforce illegal Statutory Laws sgaindtvthe citizens. There are no Common Law jurisdictions in the US. Police also behave aggressively with ALL people, and murder more Caucasians than Negros.

    So it was time to boycott and defund the militarized police departments in the Country. But as usual the elites flipped the story making it about Negros only.

    The result will soon be: FULLY MILITARIZED POLICE and eventually Martial Law. This is a step towards Totalitarian Government

  7. 4:33 PM - Only if Democrats take control.


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