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Friday, August 07, 2020

SBY Airport Commission Meeting News Release

The next Wicomico County Airport Commission meeting will be August 10, 2020 at 3 pm.  The meeting will be conducted via telephone conference and in room 301 of the Salisbury Wicomico County Government Building at 125 N Division St, Salisbury, MD 21801.  As always, the public is invited to either forum.  To join the meeting via teleconference, dial 510-538-9438, when prompted, access code is132 784 1087and password is 89854798 .  We ask that you follow the following guidelines:

1.       Please put your phone on mute to avoid any interruptions. 
2.       Please hold all questions until the Public Comment portion of the agenda.
3.       When you speak, please identify yourself first before questions/comments.
4.       You may be asked to identify anyone present with you during the call.
5.       For the purpose of the minutes, the entire meeting will be recorded including your questions/comments.
6.       You may check into the teleconference up to 15 minutes early.

The agenda and last meeting minutes (July, 2020) will be posted on https://flysbyairport.com/airport-commission/ andhttps://www.wicomicocounty.org/agendacenter  approximately three days before the meeting. 


  1. Hahaha what a freakin joke. 3 days before? Why? Sounds like someone wants their sweetheart deal to not be scrutinized to closely! Bend over taxpayers! This is how the good ol boys work!

  2. What a freaking JOKE that Airport Commission is. Time to replace the members.

    TERM LIMITS on these commission members. Why don't we hear about Term Limits for these clowns?

  3. I can say one thing about Dawn Veatch - the January 13, 2020 meeting minutes are spot on! Take-a-look for yourself:


    The remaining Airport Commission meeting minutes since her departure are deplorable.

    My advise is to hire her back, or get someone who knows how to take adequate meeting minutes so as to keep the public adequately informed.

    1. Unless you've been to an airport commission meeting you should not make comments about Dawn Veatch minutes. Dawns minutes were redacted before they were even posted. And most of the time the minutes during the Veatch reigh were a fairytale.
      And the airport commission is advisory in nature only, they make no decisions, that is the executive's office in conjunction with the council.

    2. Read the link to the airport commission minutes provided by 9:04? Read carefully. See “by-Calvin-002”? These minutes are a second (002) rewrite by Calvin Peacock (by-Calvin) who is the chairman of the Airport Commission. A total fraud. Must be nice when the chairman of the Airport Commission writes his own interpretation of what he wants the public to believe.

  4. Response to 2:33 - Your pale doesn't hold wafer. I went back and looked at the meeting minutes for January's, February, March - and one can clearly see that there is much more transparency in the January's meeting minutes (during Vetch's tenue) verses February, March, April and so on. Thus the public is much more informed. 9:04 is factually correct. You need to do more research before you lambash the former Airport Manager.

  5. Your damn right about the Dawn Veatch reign being a fairytale. She came in tell a bunch of lies which a bunch of gullible Airport commissioners, the Chamber of Commerce, Great Salisbury Committee and the Henson Foundation foolishly believed. And then she quit when her lies where realized. It’s all in the minutes of the last two airport commission meeting minutes. She was an imposter.

  6. Unless you were physically at the airport commission meetings then how do you know which ones were transparent and which were not? Just because there were more words written in January doesn't make those words true or transparent. And by the way, the comments by 10:23 were spot on! We Insiders who work there know the truth.

  7. FYI - the January Airport Commission meeting minutes were actually taken from the audio transcription of each individual's testimony. The February, Narch, and April meeting minutes are not nearly as detailed as the January Meeing minutes. In a Democracy it is imperative to be as transparent as possible.


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