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Thursday, August 20, 2020

REMINDER: James Comey Killed Deal with Julian Assange of Wikileaks – On Who Provided Wikileaks with the DNC Emails

Last night President Trump hinted that he would be giving someone a pardon this morning. Many suspected that the President might be pardoning Julian Assange. This was not the case but it turns out it was an excellent and educated guess.

This morning, after the President’s announcement last night, the Last Refuge suggested that President Trump might be pardoning Julian Assange today, noting that if the pardon relates to Julian Assange then all hell is about to break loose:



  1. It has been pretty much proven that the emails were loaded on to a thumb drive right from the server as the transfer rate was way too high for internet hacking.

  2. Why would you kill a deal if it helped the Russian collusion case ??

  3. I have always thought of julian as a f ing hero for exposing the criminals of the swamp. Its also why they want him silenced or dead

  4. What Assange did needed to be done. He should be freed and a GoFundMe page started for him if there isn't already one.

  5. We know the hacker and the leaker, DNC IT expert Seth Rich and Hillary Clinton State Department information security specialist Kurt Smolek
    Both also victims of unsolved murders in Washington D.C.
    Go figure.

  6. let's get everything out in the open👍

  7. The story should not be that the emails were LEAKED it should be that they were written in the first place! Assange pulled the curtain back and showed corruption at its highest peaks.

  8. 3:04 They physically copied data to 3 different thumb drives because the data was so large, and then They claimed it was a hack to over it up... Every time you hear something has been hacked, it is the CIA or NSA getting data becasue they want it for what ever reason, and then claim they were hacked by someone else...


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