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Friday, August 21, 2020

Presbyterian Church Posts Racism Against White People: ‘White People Get to Settle and Colonize, Take and Own and Sell Human Lives’

The official Twitter account of the Presbyterian Church is posting anti-white messages while promoting their “Awakening to Structural Racism” online demonstrations.

“White people get to settle and colonize, take and own and sell human lives. They get to determine who is the ‘us’ and who is the ‘them,’” the church tweeted on Wednesday with a press release about their demonstrations.



  1. Yes during the slave trade 2 century’s ago. China currently has slaves but that won’t stop you from supporting China.

    1. Also Africa and nearly every Arab nation but what do we hear about that? "crickets" still waiting????

  2. This is why most churches present false teaching

    in our modern culture, the focus on diversity can become its own god. Diversity itself is revered rather than the One who created that diversity. An emphasis on diversity tends to highlight our differences. God is more concerned with unity (Ephesians 4:3). Galatians 3:28 says, “There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” God is saying that our differences are not what should define the children of God. Those who belong to the Lord Jesus should first define themselves as God’s children. We must be willing to set diversity aside in favor of unity in spirit. Jesus’ passionate prayer in John 17shows that His desire for His disciples was that “they may be one as you and I are one” (verse 22).

  3. Yep. No slaves here. Just fools. Still slavery in Africa and the Middle East and China!! Not the U.S.A. just a bunch of indoctrinate lost souls that dont know history. It was the Democrats that kept them slaves.The Democrats are the kkk.. Democrats didn't want black people to vote. The Republicans freed them from all of it. they just don't know history.

  4. Lucifer taking over the earth, time to be right with Jesus.

  5. Agree 10:36 PM; ohhhh the hypocrisy.

  6. One more reason churches are failing.

  7. Attacking WHITES is waisting your time, this is OUR country like it or Not

  8. I now understand much better why I did not affiliate with the Presbyterian Church. It is difficult to understand how the leadership goes unchallenged after presenting such racist, absurd remarks.

  9. Well this is refreshing. At least WHITE people are acknowledged. I was getting tired of hearing black, blk, blk. 👍 Oh, by the way, let’s just all say WHITE people are racist and get on with our daily lives. If they aren’t they can join the people of color. Hell, I’m colored....WHITE.

  10. Northwest Woodsman: More proof that justifies my dislike for organized religion. The straw that broke the camels back was the catholic and Lutheran organizations that sucked up millions of taxpayer dollars for re-settling thousands of Somalians in Minnesota. I’ll bet that most of the citizens of that state are not happy to have thousands of low IQ, impulsive, violent, ignorant and primitive creatures roaming freely in their midst. Assimilation into a civilized culture will not be possible with a people, most of whom had never seen a toilet prior to entry into our country. Why do we allow this travesty to be perpetrated against us?

    1. Because it gives people like Obama who is responsible for this action. More votes in Minnesota. Also for his brothers so they can take over America.

  11. Are you sure this didn't come from the Presbyopians?

  12. I once was a Presbyterian in my earlier days and politics were never spoken of during any church gathering. Could be we didn't have any Black citizens - they didn't want to work in the Coal mines - too much like work for them.

  13. America is a WHITE country & a Christian country like it or not !!! Leave


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