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Friday, August 21, 2020

San Francisco's Cops Aren't Waiting Around To Be "Defunded": They're Leaving En Masse

Police in San Francisco aren't waiting around for pandering politicians to "defund" the city's police department, which has already seen a mass exodus of officers following the passage of a state law called Prop 47, a statewide criminal-justice law passed back in 2014. It appears the pace of officer exits is picking up this year, and what's even more interesting: The acceleration started before the murder of George Floyd.

According to the San Francisco Chronicle, 23 officers resigned during the first six months of the year, with many resigning evenbefore Floyd's murder. Most expect that another wave of resignations spurred by the protests and widespread anti-police sentiment in the deep blue state will spur even more officers to leave.

Of those, 19 took jobs at other law enforcement agencies, in and outside the state. By comparison, 26 officers resigned in 2019, and only 12 officers resigned in 2018.

One critic of City Hall's law enforcement policies blamed a "social experiment" whereby police were commanded to refuse to enforce all low-level crime for the city's problems.

"The members are upset that the social experiment being conducted in San Francisco is failing, and they would rather work someplace that values them," said Montoya, a constant critic of City Hall’s calls for police reform, which after the killing of George Floyd by police in Minneapolis has taken the form of shifting money from the police budget to social causes.

And this is only the beginning, according to the critic quoted above. At this pace, the number of officers leaving in 2020 could double the number from 2019, and nearly 4x the pace from 2018.

"This is just the beginning. Dozens are actively in the hiring process with other agencies," said Tony Montoya, president of the Police Officers Association.


"Members have gone to places like the Sonoma County Sheriff’s Office, Pleasant Hill, Beverly Hills, Petaluma, Palm Springs, Placerville, Long Beach, Idaho, Texas, Arizona," Montoya said.



  1. So, the old saying be careful what you ask for, you just might get it.

    Right dimmycraps?

  2. Former Wicomico County Deputy First Class J.C. Richardson is at it again! He is the business owner of Delmarva K-9 which airs a TV commercial that clearly shows the Wicomico County Sheriff's Office Emblem in the background! He cannot do this type of advertising using county images for personal gain! He will be sued!!!

    1. He's still training dogs even though he's out on medical.

    2. I think the Sherrifs office would follow through on that bud

      I worry more about getting Democrats out of office

    3. Mind your own business 5:33, that emblem in the background harms no one. It might be to show that his business trains police dogs.

    4. He has trainers working for the business 6:45, you should be worrying about getting the democrats out of office too.

      (Snicker snicker)

    5. 5:33
      You are on the wrong thread

      This is about San Fransisco Police, not DelMarVa

    6. 9:14 I've seen him training dogs with his moronic goon. I'll be sure to take a picture for you at the next monthly training put on by the academy.

    7. ITV is his own house and his own property. You’re saying he can’t show a video of his own property?

  3. good for them. Apartment owners are leaving in droves as well. This liberal ideology is over. Its a failed experiment.

  4. Reap what you sow.

  5. Where is Sheriff Mike Lewis to address this formal complaint?

    1. An anonymous rumor is not a formal complaint.

  6. Delmarva K-9 is very expensive$$$$$ Over rated and Overpriced! Wannabe Exterminator. NOT!!!

  7. I saw some videos last night of blm going to both Seattle and Portland suburbs raising hell and ordering people out of their homes Of course these suburbs are democrat strongholds so the residents are getting exactly what they deserve. I took great pleasure in seeing the democrat trash terrified. Voting has consequences and may they suffer the consequences of voting stupidly.

  8. lmclain, this is your dream city! No cops. Keep cheering?

  9. Let Democrat cities fall and burn its save tax payers money

  10. Northwest Woodsman: First, let me say that George Floyd was not “murdered”. His death in no way meets the definition of murder. Second, officers leaving to relocate to places like Idaho, Arizona, Texas, etc., will find a much better quality of life than they had in San Francisco. Not necessary to look at the ground when you walk for fear of stepping in human feces. They just need to be sure that their new department is not politically controlled by Marxist democrats.

  11. Local ECI officers went through Far More than these police today !!!
    Working at a Corrupt, Democrat ran Hell Hole , who tried to keep us
    from doing our JOB !!!

  12. Can't use County images which is considered county property for personal gain! Don't worry Punk, I know where to file the complaint and it won't be local! No free disabilty check for you either! Go back to work!!

  13. J.C.Richardson is nothing more than a tobacco chewing REDNECK!


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