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Monday, August 10, 2020

Ocean City Trump Rally This Saturday Morning At 9 AM

Saturday August 15th, Ocean City MAGA rally . . . the most fun you can have at 9 AM on an August morning, and possibly the best food you’ve had ever, all while standing up for what you believe in! It is now or never, we have run out of time . . . we MUST win this election, we MUST take back the house. If you haven’t signed up yet, think of what a democrat-ruled America will be like for your children and grandchildren. The ‘silent majority’ is losing the majority, because silence is a losing strategy. Join us on Saturday!

Please keep signs tasteful, easy to read, and to the point. The cars will be passing us by slowly, but they will not have time to ‘read’ long messages . . . stick to things like TRUMP, GREATEST PRESIDENT IN HISTORY. DEMOCRATS, RIOTERS and CRIMINALS, OH MY. DO DEMOCRATS HATE AMERICA??? TRUMP, NOT PERFECT, BUT PERFECT FOR THE JOB. FAKE NEWS, CAMPAIGNING FOR DEMOCRATS. Again, keep it short, relevant, witty, large block letters easy to read.

If you prefer, bring a flag or a Trump banner/sign rather than a homemade sign.

Stay on the grass, do not get close to the roadway, do not extend your arms/sign over the roadway pavement, do not wave your sign or gesture at drivers in a taunting manor.

RE the social, after the rally we will take the short walk to Caribbean Joe’s pool bar . . . the complimentary lunch buffet is for rally participants only, and will feature the best pulled pork barbque and cole slaw that you’ve ever tasted (according to Joe the chef). And please respect the bar/motel policy re the virus regulations (have your mask with you for when you need it).

Remember, the entrance to our parking area is on Route 611, about 50 yards south of Route 50 (it comes up quick, look for our signs and volunteers). And do not park in front of Pizza Tugo.

Caribbean Joes is located at the Alamo Motel, the historic FIRST hotel in the Ocean City area, 12614 Ocean Gateway, Ocean City, MD 21842, Eastbound side of Route 50/Ocean Gateway, next to a Holiday Inn Express, between Keyser Point Road and Route 611.


  1. You really think having a big gathering AND a lunch buffet is a good idea during a pandemic? Here's hoping AGH has enough beds and ventilators.

    1. hope you sit this one out

    2. Democrats have told us the virus doesn’t spread in political protests lol

    3. Just stay in your basement you lilly white POS. It's just like the flu. But you go out all winter long?? You go to work??

    4. Maryland only has one vent. Hospitals are overloaded GO TO WALMART NOW

    5. They do think its a good idea and AGH doesn’t have enough beds or ventilators. But don’t worry. The virus is a hoax and doesn’t have any effect on Republicans. Just ask Herman Cain. And if it does the Republitards have a huge stash of hydroxychloroquine. That also works. Just ask Dr. Immanuel, the Nigerian trained doctor that believes in demonic sex and that alien DNA is used in medicines. If Trump is re-elected she will be the Surgeon General.

    6. Stay in your basement 😬

    7. See you November 3rd when the current POS is swept out of office.

    8. That's what they said Hillary was going to do. You are delusional if you think BAFFOON BIDEN has a chance. Why do you libutards need mail in ballots?? Yet you will still LOOSE. LMAO.

  2. 1224 - you used the word "think" meaning your opinion and thats fine.

    Don't think the idea is wise - don't attend.

    Remember we all still have to do to the grocery store and other highly traveled/congested areas too.

    Come to Joe's get a $2 Natural Light - they are ICED cold, the bar inside is wonderful AND so are the folks working there!!!

    No I don't receive anything for saying that - live and local is what its always about!!!

  3. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    You really think having a big gathering AND a lunch buffet is a good idea during a pandemic? Here's hoping AGH has enough beds and ventilators.

    August 10, 2020 at 12:24 PM

    Don't let me see you at the bar!

  4. 12:24PM if you ventured out of your cave, please crawl back in. We will send a special messenger to inform you when there are no longer any diseases, viruses or dangerous germs to contend with.

  5. I wish I had known. I would have rode by flashing my BLM sign and Biden 2020 banner!!!

    1. Are you bringing your “I’m an idiot” banner too?
      5:46 I’m gonna shop the back to school sale so I’m going to stock up on tissues. They go on sale
      to democrats only on Nov 4 2020 when the liberal meltdown Officially begins.

  6. 12:24. Didn't you know? Trump supporters can't get Covid-19. It's a Democrat Hoax.

  7. 12 24 its all about the money

  8. Is that you Dr. Fauci???

  9. It's both funny and sad that the little group of turds talking about the hospital and BLM and the 5:46 PM's of the world have no problem watching Antifa and BLM and the other 'inclusive' and 'diverse'party go around and riot in large groups and loot and burn and dress all in black but some folks standing apart from one another, outside, holding a sign supporting OUR president is a problem!!

  10. Feel like canceling my trip to OC now.

    1. Come on mayor. You got to come back sometime.

  11. Well 1224 not many liked your comment. Guess you feel good eh?


  12. If I see any of u crackers in the street I WILL run u down.


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