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Monday, August 10, 2020

Nolte: Magnificent Mile Riots, Looting Hit Democrat-Run Chicago

“Hundreds of people swept through the Magnificent Mile and other parts of downtown Chicago early Monday, smashing windows, looting stores,” reports the Chicago Tribune.

There was also gunfire and violence against police officers. As of this writing, downtown Chicago is all but closed to those trying to get to work on a Monday morning.

The details reveal just how organized this was….

The looting and rioting started just after midnight and lasted “nearly five hours.” Get this…

“People darted through broken store windows and doors along Michigan Avenue carrying shopping bags full of merchandise,” the Tribune reports, adding, “Cars dropped off more people as the crowd grew. At least one U-Haul van was seen pulling up.”

A U-Haul.

People being dropped off like it was just another morning at Looting School.



  1. Now the mayor wants to talk tough .... it’s way too late for that loser

  2. I wonder why they don't show who's looting , 100% blacks . BLM

  3. For your smashing and looting pleasure, downtown Chicago is now open. Buses are leaving soon from a hood near you.

    1. In Chicago you can walk from the hood to Downtown. From the South Side it’s necessary to carjack a Uber.

  4. sounds like a nice place for me and my family to settle down in

  5. Russia or China would have ended riots ASAP.

  6. The damage done to the United States by that particular race of people far and away exceeds the positive contributions.


  7. Just cashing in their accumulated Obama Most Valued Customer points program in the less busy hours so as not to inconvenience the normal high end customers who patronize the ritzy shopping district!

    Moochie may end up with a low grade depression if her sizes are currently out of stock!

  8. 335
    It is young Caucasian girls and boys doing the destruction.
    The black kids are too lazy to riot.


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