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Monday, August 10, 2020

NASA goes woke, gets brutally mocked for removing 'actively harmful' names of galaxies, stars

'Renaming black holes will end racism. Guaranteed'

NASA is going woke.

The space agency announced this week they would engage in political correctness when referring to planets, stars, galaxies, and other cosmic bodies that have been given what some people might consider "actively harmful" names.

"As the scientific community works to identify and address systemic discrimination and inequality in all aspects of the field, it has become clear that certain cosmic nicknames are not only insensitive, but can be actively harmful," NASA said in a press release on Wednesday.

"NASA is examining its use of unofficial terminology for cosmic objects as part of its commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion," the agency added.



  1. Wow! Do we have to change blacktop and black eyed peas now? What about black Friday, black outs, .....

    1. How about they just stop this black chit and grow up. This WHITE boy is sick of the stupidity of these folks. I don’t give a crap what I’m called. I have a understanding of who and what I am. Some of it may be bad and some may be good. It’s my choice of how I feel about myself. My skin is thick enough that what you think of me doesn’t matter. I’ll take care of my self esteem and no anyone else. These people need to volunteer if not working. Too much time on their lazy ass gives them too much time to whine.

  2. Theve been doing this sort of crap in science for years. Asteroids are no longer named for Greek and Roman gods. The Latin names of new discovered animals is being thrown out. Maybe it doesn't matter, but I see it as proof that western culture no longer has any strength. Sorry, but we gave the world democracy, fine art, classical music, philosophy and so much more. Call me a bigot- you will anyway.

  3. Waste of resources. Oh, don't forget what the Associated Press is doing. Capitalizing BLACK in stories.


  4. So basically you guys are about to whine and cry about small changes to names of things and places you have never heard of and don't understand. Yes, we see who the real snowflakes are.


  5. Those responsible should be ferreted out and fired because they are NASholes!

  6. Backing Live Communists who burn and destroy - COWARDS.

  7. Just as stupid as the push to ban the name Black Friday, and White Christmas!

  8. To what will Maryland rename the state flower?
    Will they be pulled up at every roadside and yard in protest until it happens?

  9. Hmmm. wonder if my favorite dish - BLACKENED Bourbon crusted chicken will need to be renamed.

    The HORROR!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    (snicker snicker)

  10. "So basically you guys are about to whine and cry about small changes to names of things and places you have never heard of and don't understand. Yes, we see who the real snowflakes are. "

    No you stupid dolt. You don't get it. It STARTS with renaming things, then goes on next to declaring that logic and reason are the "master's tools". Are you aware there are seriously people right now who are declaring that math itself is racist?

    Once again, leftists are too stupid to realize the sheer amount of western culture that sustains them- the light are on, the roads work, building don't fall down...just you wait till your precious minorities and women create bridges and buildings with their "non western non patriarchal ways of knowing".

  11. It’s all about driving a wedge between the races because a divided populace gives power to the politicians

  12. You just can't call stellar anomalies that suck up everything and give nothing back Black Ho's it just aint right.

  13. NASA is nothing more than affirmative Action department. More subpar hiring with libutard mindset. UNTIL another NASA screwup.


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