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Friday, August 21, 2020

More than 1 in 5 College students won't be enrolling in College this fall

Most believe they’ll be exposed to COVID-19 on campus. Notre Dame and North Carolina universities already canceled in-person classes over outbreaks.

Many students are taking a pandemic gap year.

More than one in five college undergraduates don’t plan to enroll this fall, according to a new College Reaction/Axios poll of about 800 students taken Aug. 16-17. And 85% of those surveyed believe they are likely or very likely to be exposed to the novel coronavirus that causes COVID-19 if they are on campus.

That’s not too surprising, as coronavirus outbreaks have been reported across several universities that just recently reopened. Four colleges and universities suspended in-person classes already this week, including Notre Dame and the University of North Carolina, after reporting clusters of dozens of students and faculty testing positive for COVID-19.



  1. College bus a waste of money in today’s America

  2. Stay home, take some online credit or practical courses, go to work and avoid a mountain of debt.

    1. Agreed. Plus jobs after college....well good luck in this environment... Damn.

  3. Spend 40 K per year to have your kid turned into a militant communist... no thanks

  4. 11:01 clearly for you it is lol

    1. Definitely was ....I make twice the money using my hands and brain with no loans so keep up your little protests and paying your loans hahaha

  5. don't believe for one second it is because most believe they will be exposed to covid. The issue is the uncertainly. MOST don't want to enroll because they don't want to do virtual learning.

  6. I think I will enroll for a liberal arts degree and make millions after graduation

  7. Because clearly this lot of commenters would prefer to remain ignorant and uneducated. No wonder Trump won in 2016.

    1. Awe. Poor libutard from SU. Where will you go now?? Look at the EDUCATION system and it's failure. Yet you call other's ignorant?? So much for the money wasted on you. Thanks for making our point.

  8. There's always one smarter than the rest.


  9. " Anonymous said...
    I think I will enroll for a liberal arts degree and make millions after graduation

    August 21, 2020 at 1:27 PM"

    LOL Used toilet paper has more value then that degree and many others.


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