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Tuesday, August 04, 2020

Montgomery County, MD, Orders Private and Religious Schools to Remain Closed

The health officer of Montgomery County, Maryland, ordered nonpublic schools, including “private pay schools” and “schools affiliated with religious institutions,” to remain closed for in-school instruction through October 1.

“Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have based our decisions on science and data,” said Dr. Travis Gayles in a press statement Friday, and he added:

At this point the data does not suggest that in-person instruction is safe for students or teachers. We have seen increases in transmission rates for COVID-19 in the State of Maryland, the District of Columbia and the Commonwealth of Virginia, particularly in younger age groups, and this step is necessary to protect the health and safety of Montgomery County residents.

The order is effective Monday, August 3.



  1. It's obvious that the government is scared of public schools losing popularity as a result of this whole situation. They fear people leaning away from public schools in the future and not returning ever

  2. Science and data?? Let’s look at some data: According to the CDC there have been a total of 43 deaths “involving” the virus in the USA among those under age 15. There were a total of More than 12,500 deaths among children in that age group in the USA during the same period of time. So 99.7% of children who died during that time, did NOT have a Wuhan virus “involved” death.

  3. heavens forbid they make the teachers union and public schools look like the idiots they are! nazi's everywhere!

  4. As soon as the checks clear, I bet you see Wicomico private schools do the same. There’s already reports of schools shutting down because of a teacher or admin testing positive. No way they’re going to be able to mitigate the spread enough to justify staying open.

  5. What no one is saying about MontCo and others is that when you break down cases into zip codes it is the low income areas that have the overwhelming majority of cases besides the nursing home deaths. Anyone that can afford a private school they aren't nearly as affected. This is the way it was in NYC also. It was the less affluent boroughs and their zip codes affected the most and not Manhattan.

  6. “Science and data” except when it’s not really science and data. The new liberal leftist jargon.

  7. Ya, but if you're a black congressman, (that never introduced a single civil rights bill),and died you can have days of church services, and crowds for almost two weeks!
    All to advance an agenda nothing to do with honoring his accomplishments.

    Pres. Kennedy was murdered and was in the ground in 3 days! Who deserved a grander exit, Lewis or Kennedy?

  8. Did ya's see where a MC leo was charged multiple felonies for stealing a firearm out of a dead mans house when he responded to the call...3 months earlier.

  9. First if ALL. If the schools don't get government money. You don't have any right telling them what they can or can not do.

  10. Northwest Woodsman: Have you heard about numerous cases where people signed up for testing and decided against it or missed the appointment for some reason and were later notified that they tested positive? This is a total, politically induced fraud meant to be a component of the Marxist democrat plan to effect the election. And some of you totally believe it and wear those stupid masks out in open, rural areas and even when you are alone in your vehicle. As Marx would say, you are his “useful idiots”. As a side note, I wonder how many of the bed wetter types wear their masks to bed at night. I have heard some outrageous stories of the lengths some people go to because they are so fearful. I can’t imagine that any of these personality types would have been among my ancestors who landed in Massachusetts in 1629. Fearful bed wetters would not have even survived the journey, let alone the tough life ahead in the wilderness. Actually they would just have remained in England cowering in a corner, fearful of everything.

  11. 8:38 but this was to show everyone the "Black Lives Matter" not a white president's life.

  12. Northwest woodsman us correct.
    Also, this virus will fade as soon as the Presidental election is over. The media will only cover the late mail in ballots until the Democrats get the winning number. That will go on for months.


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