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Sunday, August 09, 2020

Maryland’s COVID-19 Positivity Rate Hits Another Record Low

Statewide Positivity Rate Is 3.75%, Daily Positivity Rate Also a Record Low at 2.75%Positivity Rate Drops to Record Lows in Anne Arundel, Frederick, Prince George’s; Below 5% in Baltimore City and Baltimore CountyWorcester County Has State’s Highest Positivity RateTotal Hospitalizations at 525, 128 ICU Beds In UseMaryland Reports Record 40,473 Tests, 17.2% of Population Tested
ANNAPOLIS, MD—Governor Larry Hogan today announced that Maryland’s statewide COVID-19 positivity rate has reached a new all-time low of 3.75%. The governor also announced that the positivity rate has dropped to new lows in Anne Arundel, Frederick, and Prince George’s Counties. The state’s hospitalization metrics continue to plateau, with 525 total current hospitalizations and 128 ICU beds in use.
“Our mitigation strategies are working, but this is no time to be complacent: it’s important to wear a mask, wash your hands, and practice physical distancing,” said Governor Hogan. “98% of our economy is now open and able to operate in a safe way. We are doing much better on our health metrics and economic recovery than most of the rest of the country—let’s continue to work together and do what it takes to keep it that way.”
Statewide Positivity Rate and Daily Positivity Rate Are Record Lows. Maryland’s seven-day average positivity rate has dropped to 3.75%—the lowest level reported since the pandemic began. The daily positivity is also a record low: out of a record 40,473 tests, 2.72% came back positive. The statewide positivity rate has been under 5% since June 25, and is now more than 86% lower than its April 17 peak.
Maryland Reports Record 40,473 Tests in Past 24 Hours. In total, Maryland has now conducted 1,438,739 COVID-19 tests, including 40,473 tests over the last 24 hours. 1,039,345 Marylanders have now been tested for COVID-19, representing 17.2% of the state’s population.
Total Current Hospitalizations at 525, 128 ICU Beds in Use. There are 525 total current COVID-19 hospitalizations—an increase of 10 over the past 24 hours. There are 128 ICU beds in use—an increase of 1.
Positivity Rate Drops to Record Lows in Anne Arundel, Frederick, Prince George’s; Below 5% in Baltimore City and Baltimore County; Worcester’s Positivity Rate Remains A Concern
  • The positivity rate in Anne Arundel County dropped to a record low 2.90%—down nearly 90% from its peak on April 16.
  • The positivity rate in Baltimore City dropped to 4.82%—down 82.4% from its peak on April 19, below 5% for the first time since July 6.
  • The positivity rate in Baltimore County dropped to 4.87%—down 71.3% from its peak on April 7, and below 5% for the first time since July 11.
  • The positivity rate in Frederick County dropped to a record low 1.33%—down 95.2% from its peak on April 15.
  • The positivity rate in Prince George’s County dropped to a record low 5.53%—still above 5%, but down 87.4% from its peak on May 2.
  • The positivity rate is above 5% in only three jurisdictions: Prince George’s (5.53%), Queen Anne’s (5.05%), and Worcester (6.23%). While the positivity rate in Worcester County has begun to plateau, it remains a concern to state officials.
  • Positivity Rate Among Marylanders Under 35 Has Begun to Steadily Decline, Down to 5.03%. Over the last several weeks, state health officials have focused on addressing rising infection rates among young people. Governor Hogan has warned that “younger people seem to feel bulletproof, but we cannot afford to stop being vigilant and cautious.” The positivity rate among Marylanders under 35 has begun to steadily decline, down 25% since July 23.
    215 COVID-19 Testing Sites Available. Marylanders can plan to be tested at one of 215 testing sites by visiting COVIDtest.maryland.gov


  1. Use your heads for once, people. What does a 3.75% positivity rate actually mean? It means that 96.25% of the people who got tested had no symptoms, had no clue and got a test just because their neighbor got one.

  2. Thank you Mr. President for guiding the governor through this mess. Although he wasted OPM on Korean crap, your leadership has helped the anti Trump RINO pull through this time.

  3. If this is true , why does Hogan keep getting worse with the news ?

  4. 1:02 That is correct and gives credibility to all the state and government agency websites that list the symptoms ending with "the vast majority of people will experience mild or no symptoms"
    THE PANDEMIC IS OVER FOLKS. Remove those ugly, hot masks and get on with life. Continue to watch over the elderly and compromised.
    Thank ou.

  5. I'm surprised they are not saying the County Executive died from Covid 19.

    They better check the Death Certificate.

  6. the hoax of 2020.after nov. you wont hear much about it. they dont talk about the death numbers for the flu.does not warrant the draconian measures they instilled

    1. Just like everyone was gonna get Ebola if they didn't vote for obammy

  7. So, yeah, why not open up? Nobody is in the hospital over this anymore, and if they go, it's treated and released. Open the schools, there are NO CASES in the WORLD where a child gave a teacher the disease. We have science and statistics, hydroxychloroquine and Z-pacs with zinc now.

    IT'S OVER, LARRY!!!!!

    Open us up or we'll just do it anyway.

    1. Your stupidity is actually amazing. Hopefully the ballot you get in November will be color coded. Otherwise I fear you’ll vote for Sleepy Joe.

  8. You should read the comments on the wicomico county health department fb page.

    Everyone is an expert.

  9. Wait until this week when all of the MD college kids and staff start taking their required tests. The positives will start piling up.

    1. It’s on line only required test. Sports are cancelled and athletic scholarships on are hold. Teachers are not required to do a full 40 hours a weeks. Free computers will be issued for less privileged and free internet paid for my yearly budget.school bus drivers are not needed at this time and currently 56 percent will go in repossessed.

    2. Yes. Taking my son to Frostburg next week and first thing that happens is he takes a covid test at campus health center.

    3. @10:38 No, it's an in-person test that college kids and staff have to take. They have to do an online check in every day, but the test is very real and will add to positive numbers.

  10. No need for medication if your riot, block traffic, murder, rob, assault. Viruses do not spread in communities of communist. TRUTH OVER FACTS. dr fast ball said he does not give recommendations on protesting just churches funerals and schools. Go to Walmart also totally safe.

  11. Lockdown Larry will keep it shutdown until the day after the election.

  12. Susan Olsen Psychiatric Rehab DemocratAugust 10, 2020 at 6:14 AM

    CNN just reported there were 2 trillion deaths on the East Coast
    because people not listening to my government

  13. 3:21 you think a face covering is Draconian? Amazing how you all act so tough but one liddle widdle mask has you knee-jerking into oblivion.

  14. In the last 2 weeks of July almost 100,000 children tested positive for coronavirus in the US. Way to go Conservatives.

    1. How many grandparents got sick from those kids? But they're old, so who cares, right?

  15. Texas is on ventilators zero hospital beds anywhere in the state. 17 million Texans are on vents. The few heather people made it to cosco and are safe kneeling on circles with heads down not speaking.

  16. Try entering "www.medicineuncensored.org" in your navigation search bar and see what happens. That tells the whole story. The doctors trying to expose the truth out are being blocked.

  17. Time for this civil war to go hot -

    Stupid covid pussies vers. us normal people that know it's all BS.

    I'm so tired of hearing all of their false, made up numbers and lies.

    Who the fuck do they think they are to dictate what other people should do? They must be on HOHA boards.

    You Karens know who you are!


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