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Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Maryland’s Cannabis has Been the Subject of Massive Controversy After Growth between 2019-2020

Maryland’s cannabis industry has shown skyrocketing demands by the customers, which is enough proof of the fact that manufacturers have earned abnormal profits. However, because cannabis is a hot product of the black markets as well, this plant has remained in the news for all the wrong reasons as well. Luckily, the marijuana industry has still managed to be at the top of the game amidst COVID 19. Last year when the industry witnessed a massive growth of around 50%, the manufacturers thought it would be tough for this cash crop to remain stagnant in the market next year.

Luckily, marijuana consumers have remained loyal with the herb, which is why this crop hasn’t received a backlash from the global pandemic. Traditionally, people in Maryland were only exposed to smoking marijuana. Today, there are a plethora of ways to enjoy this herb. Especially now that it stands concrete with several proven health benefits, it is hard to wipe it out from the market.

The growing popularity of marijuana in Maryland is a major concern for the state authorities because a large part of the teen population is active consumers of this plant.

Today marijuana is consumed in the form of foods, beverages, snacks, desserts, and skincare products. The rise in the consumer market for marijuana has boosted this industry to a great extent. Right now, marijuana is considered a cash crop across the globe, which is why many entrepreneurs have joined the bandwagon to cultivate this plant.



  1. BS black markets cheaper leave it to MD. To screw up free enterprise..only the GOBs get to open a shop or grow it.

  2. The amount of people in hospital psych units, being admitted to in patient mental health facilities, and seeing psychiatrists, therapists for marijuana induced psychosis is astounding. Most are where they are due to acting out in violent and other anti social ways. This is not the pot of yesteryears.

    1. Cant stand the heat?
      Get out of the kitchen.

    2. 12:57 got to have something to blame and label. It isn't the pot! Misdiagnosis and untruthful patient.

    3. I don't know about that but I'll show you a possibly psychiatric meltdown if I don't have weed. Anyone who doesn't have to drink or smoke weed to deal with you people is a God. Lol

  3. The black market is typically Mexican dirt weed. Life is too short for cheap pot.

  4. Maybe they should treat the real issues instead of masking them with marijuana. It's just any other drug like alcohol and heroin

  5. It is not the pot of yesteryear by any means. I has been hybridized to the point it's not an innocent natural product anymore. I gave it up years ago when the drama to acquire it and the people you had to associate with just became too exhausting. I have aging friends that are still on board and have seen real turns in their general well being and psyche. Something that once made them tolerable people has made them a mess and at an advanced age with other prescriptions and unknown interactions it's nothing to be taken lightly.
    Legal or not prescribed or not it is still considered and scheduled controlled substance that can cost you your job and security clearance.

    1. 2:22
      Innocent product?

      Did you go to school?
      Is it guilty of some infraction against nature?
      What is wrong with you people from the Eastern Shore?

    2. What job? What security clearance? You sound like a lemming loser.

  6. lmao! good to see the governments reefer madness campaign continues to brainwash you fools! once big pharma can put it in a pill form and all the politicians can get lobbying dollars all will be alright! no worries. never seen a person smoke a joint and want to do much more then veg out or munch out! but hey believe what you want! just keep taking your other meds! big pharma needs to get paid! next up? your virus shot!

  7. Whoever donates the most to the right people gets it same with developing property.

  8. did someone really compare pot to heroin?? is this 1950? you obviously don't use marijuana, lol! and correct, it's not the stem filled, seedy bag of weed of days gone by - it's more pure and wonderful. If you get some kind of psychosis, you didn't use marijuana, greens maybe?

  9. Wrong 4:06. Keep drinking the Kool aid!

  10. 2:21 PM - No, it's not yesterday's $10/ounce weed. Don't smoke it like it is.

  11. Dude, we love to smoke dope man

  12. Wicomico County CaptainAugust 19, 2020 at 8:59 PM

    I will search your cars once I smell marijuana

    you can take it to court and spend your money

    your tax dollars pay may lavish salary of 100 Thousand Dollars

    Wicomico County Tax payers are uneducated, and not as smart as I am

  13. lmao at 859, to bad you arent out there chasing the robbers, rapists, murderers. etc. when was last time you went down to the seedy areas and made an arrest? didn't think so. my advice, get a warrant, other wise piss off!
    With an attitude like yours we may just feed you to the wolves! then you wonder why the average citizen dont back you up. and no I never call people like you for help! fine on my own! thank you very much!


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