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Monday, August 31, 2020

Mark Alexander: Cancel Harris and Her Slave-Trading Legacy!

There are far more legitimate questions about the legal standing of Kamala Harris’sbid to be president — which she most assuredly will be prior to the end of Joe Biden’s first term — than that raised about Barack Obama. Of course, Democrats studiously avoid questions about so-called “birthright citizenship” just as they do the assertion that they abide by our Constitution and Rule of Law. I mean, it’s not like they took an oath “to support and defend” it!

But what will Kamala’s constituents think when they find out she is the direct descendent and beneficiary of her family’s slave holders and traders? Will that pass the sniff test or will they cancel Harris?

Some of her black constituents are already objecting to Harris’s more egregious offenses when she was attorney general of California. Loyola law professor Lara Bazelon declared in The New York Times: “Harris fought tooth and nail to uphold wrongful convictions that had been secured through official misconduct that included evidence tampering, false testimony and the suppression of crucial information by prosecutors.” Furthermore, after a federal judge ordered the release of nonviolent offenders for parole in California, then-AG Harris argued that her state prisons would lose “an important labor pool.” (Talk about keeping black folks on theDemo plantation…) Harris never apologized for that assertion, and she hopes Biden’s constituents will forget about her record as a “Draconian Prosecutor.”


1 comment:

  1. Dang I guess she should build a time machine and go back to change her ancestry? Isn't that the entire argument against racism permeating modern day America: It wasn't me, it was my ancestors and I am not them? Funny how there are different rules for the other side.


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