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Friday, August 21, 2020

JUST AWFUL! Barack Obama Breaks Tradition and Slams President Trump from Museum of American Revolution at the DNC (VIDEO)

President Barack Obama broke precedent and slammed his successor President Donald Trump on Wednesday night during his DNC speech at the Museum of American Revolution.

Obama, who led the greatest political scandal in US history and spied on the Trump campaign and Trump Transition Team, gave one of the most divisive speeches in US history.

This guy truly was the most destructive president in US history.

Barack Obama then went to call Joe Biden his brother.



  1. Consider the source. Lying ghetto trash. And don't anyone believe the father was a kenyan story. That's a made up feel good story just like the biden love story that was really an affair. obama's mother was nothing but a white trash slut. Couldn't wait to dump him off with her white trash parents so she could go out and slut around some more. They had no business raising another since they failed with her and raised a slut. You can believe his mother didn't have any idea who the baby daddy was.
    All I can say is Thank God he is referred to as the first black president. Blacks can have him

  2. Obama is a scum bag. Who cleared him on his birth certificate? If it was the FBI, I would have it done again by people who aren't traitors.,

  3. I just hope he sends a few tearing in jail!!! Trump is the only one that has the balls to push for it!! Drain that swamp!!!

  4. Trump/Pence 2020-2024!!


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