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Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Janice Dean Finally Gets Her Chance to Testify

For months Fox News meteorologist Janice Dean has been trying to tell her tragic story. Her in-laws, Mickey and Dee Newman, died in separate New York elder care facilities during the coronavirus pandemic. She has made no secret of the fact that she blames Gov. Andrew Cuomo and his nursing home mandate, which forced facilities to accept recovering COVID patients. Over 6,000 COVID patients were reportedly sent to elder care homes over the course of 46 days. When New York lawmakers began hearings on the subject, Dean was ready to testify. But the New York State Senate didn't want to hear it. A few days before the first meeting was set to begin, her name was taken off of the witness list. She later found out that was because the Democratic majority would have been too "uncomfortable" with her testimony.

New York Republicans gave her the chance to speak on Monday, and through a painful amount of tears she managed to get through it.

Mickey and Dee's health had been declining for some time before they went into elder care facilities, Dean explained. It was "the first time in their lives they had been apart like this." Mickey's facility went into quarantine in March and she was notified that he'd be moved to a different floor to make way for a new crop of patients. Dean says that she now believes that some of those new patients were ones recovering from COVID. Some days later the staff called her husband to notify him that his dad was sick. He had a fever, and three hours later he was dead. They were told it was likely a result of coronavirus.

"We only got confirmation when we saw it on the death certificate," she said.



  1. Is very simple..The leftist and democrats are a luciferian based idealogy. Luciferians lie and depise truth.

  2. It's the democrat way. They don't care about life. It's all about money. Those big nursing home conglomerates exist only because of medicaid. While they are 'non profit' this doesn't prevent the owners CEO's and the rest of the upper management from getting salaries well into the 6 figures and even in the millions. In many states when someone is out of a bed (bed hold policy) medicaid stops paying immediately. A limited number of states do have a 30 day bed hold but again limited.
    Then in turn the companies and it's management donate big sums to democrat politicians who need the money to pay campaign staff now all the time since they've all become career politicians and keep full time campaign staff.

    1. Simple math, if the facility projects a profit, just give management a raise. There, taken care of just like that.

  3. Main Steam Media is telling lies about this story. They are saying she is blaming President Trump. I went on Facebook and found the story and rebutted it. The only one to blame for the deaths of these elderly is Cuomo. He signed the order to take Virus related illnesses to the nursing homes where the residence caught it and dies. Democrats are doing what socialist/communist do. Wipe out part of the population in order to afford it.


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