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Monday, August 10, 2020

Is Jill Biden Running For President? Jill Does In-Person Interview with CBS as Feeble Joe Hides in His Basement (VIDEO)

Is Jill Biden running for President?

Jill Biden did an in-person interview with CBS Sunday Morning with host Rita Braver.

Meanwhile feeble Joe Biden is hiding in his basement and refuses to do interviews with members of the press.

As expected, Rita Braver didn’t ask Jill Biden any tough questions about her pervert husband’s criminal past.



  1. Just what in the heck does Joe do all day in the basement. Tonka toys can only take up so much spare time, I guess.

  2. Will his wife represent American in peace talks with North Korea while Biden is playing "go fish" in the basement.

  3. Joe is using Covid as his reason for hiding in the basement yet his wife can go out and campaign for him. I guess she can't get it.


  4. Must have been naptime.

    Trotting out Dr. Jill may not be that savvy; comparisons with her doddering roommate won't work in his favor.

    OTOH maybe we're hearing from his Veep selection?

  5. She spoon feeds him and changes his diaper too.

  6. Sits back in his rocking chair staring at the walls.

  7. Hiding his DEMENTIA !!! FACT Not qualified because of Health

    will keep Biden OUT of Office !!! NO way can he be POTUS !!!

  8. Any POTUS should by Law have to be in Good Appropiate Health !!!

    Just like any other job & even more with this position !!!!

    Or they are DISQUALIFIED !!!

  9. Trump is running Bidens campaign by opening his mouth . Why would Biden have to do anything


  10. Before the Dem convention they won't need to temperature scan Joe's forehead. Just shine a light into one ear and do shadow puppets on the wall behind the opposite ear!


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