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Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Ilhan Omar must resign: New Evidence reveals a probable spree of Felonies

The "open secret" is now simply open. Yet the media cowardice continues.

According to the media's general judgment, 2020 U.S. voters are most concerned with purportedly complex issues of crime and justice. Voters should place no trust in this. This same media forbade itself to investigate a simple, yet objectively historic corruption scandal of national interest.

Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) has almost certainly committed the most extensive spree of felonies by a congressperson in U.S. history. As a criminal, she also appears to be historically inept. Scores of verified items of evidence against her are in the public record. Omar has never challenged their authenticity and has never produced a single piece of evidence to support her version of events.



  1. Mr. Barr is listening.
    Perhaps it's best that he waits until after the election to level federal charges against dear Ilhan, or to even acknowledge an active investigation. It'd be one less distraction for the next three months. Nancy will have one less thing to screech about, too, a blessing to our ears.
    Let social media and conservative media keep this very alive, with the theme of This Is The Face Of The Democrat Party. Memes, anyone?

  2. Al these FOREIGNERS we have in our government are corrupt. We have Congressional members like FEINSTIEN who are helping our enemies. Yet the REPUBLICANS do nothing. WTF. But let one of us do anything wrong.

    1. 8:55
      “Our” Government?

      I serve the Government with half of my income.
      Me and You don’t own it.
      We can’t even influence it.

      Get a clue:
      Stop voting

  3. Bill Barr has not arrested or indicted a single person in obamagate. Barr said their will be no more investigation out of the AGs in NY on Trump and Durham will not look into Obama and Biden. A month later AG in NY gets a half win in the Supreme Court on Trump and Biden’s camp used it for campaign commercials paid with Money obtained from BLM. Barr can’t even dismantle antfia or touch twitter. Barr is the swamp but good at pointing out crimes and making statements all bark no bite... Believe You Me he is not going anywhere near the radical muslim.

  4. Resign?!?! Corruption MUST be prosecuted! It helps deter further corruption....this is exactly why our government is so thoroughly corrupt in every direction.

  5. Prosecute Democrats WHO put her in congress too !!!!

  6. Damocrats are above the law because they (Nancy/Chuck) say no one is above the law. These people always are guilty of what they ramble about. Sooo nothing will become of this. We watch it all the time. Awful indeed,

  7. Keep ALL the Democrat Traitors OUT of America's Congress !!!!

  8. I am very disappointed that we have not been able to drain the swamp.

  9. Well Republicans, if all of this is true why are the Republicans doing something about it. Talk, talk, talk. just like the Russian collusion deal and all the rest. Barr talks fine on talk shows. Haven't seen much in court.


  10. Omar has a primary today, and is being strongly contested. Her district is downtown MinneMogadishu and she didn't get the endorsement of the Dem paper.

    If she loses her primary she'll be getting a ticket back to Somalia or a cell next to Gislane. Either outcome is satisfactory.

  11. Deport that trash back to Somalia. Maybe somebody will do something in Somalia

  12. Should there be a Republican Congress in the near future, she'll be looking at censure and impeachment. After that, some federal tax, immigration and scholarship fraud charges will greet her sorry self and her equally sorry ex-husband brother.


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