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Friday, August 28, 2020

"I Don't Think There Should Be Any Debates" Says Pelosi, Calling Them An "Exercise In Skullduggery"

Nancy Pelosi has just joined the chorus of prominent Democrats trying desperately to avoid placing Joe Biden in front of the proverbial firing squad in a debate with President Trump.

"I don't think that there should be any debates," she said. "I wouldn't legitimize a conversation with him - nor a debate in terms of the presidency of the United States."

Pelosi said that Trump was "disgraceful" when he 'stalked' Hillary Clinton during the 2016 debate by walking near her, and that he will probably "act in a way that is beneath the dignity of the presidency."

"I think he will also belittle what the debates are supposed to be about. And they're not to be about skulduggery on the part of somebody who has no respect for the office he holds, much less the democratic process.

"I don't think that he should dignify that conversation with Donald Trump."

Pelosi then suggested that each candidate could hold separate 'conversations' with voters, saying: "Let that be a conversation with the American people, not an exercise in skulduggery."



  1. We the people want debates so we can make a thoughtful decision. Piss off Perlousy! Right Tony?!

  2. The last debates weren't so much a debate as they were an incoherent rambling argument.

  3. What is wrong with this old bat?

    Pelosi need to get help!

  4. Because she Knows THEY will LOOSE !!! Waaaaaa

    1. Pelushy doesn't care what the American people want. She finds us to be uneducated and beneath her. I really hope Trump persues treason charges on every single one of these treasonous democrats. The reason they don't like Trump is because he creates more middle-class blue collar people who in turn are usually conservative leaning. Democratic leaders prey on low income people with promises of free stuff. So if those low income people get a job and don't need the government hand out anymore then the Democrat party loses that control which they love so much.

  5. Only Discrace in America is the Demon-crat Party !!! 2020

  6. Biden isn’t capable and she knows it

  7. I would not agree to any debates without an impartial real time fact checka. Too many lies for the debates to otherwise be useful.

  8. We the people have the demonrats running. TRUMP 2020.

  9. The democrats are tying to come up with an excuse that will stick in order to keep their useful idiot from debating. This especially so after the useful idiot's disastrous appearance on CNN last night. That was so painful for democrats to watch. When their useful idiot loses and loses BIG they will have no use for him and will bash hima and blame him unmercifully for the loss.

  10. Pelosi is AFRAID , & knows Trump & America Will defeat Biden & Harris !

    Biden keeps Hiden & can't even talk without screwing up !!! Love it !!!

  11. 12:14 - Joe Biden can't put together a sentence worth fact-checking!

    The Ho-Pedo ticket has no chance!

  12. That's right, why bother, it's all just a big show anyway. They're not elected, they're Selected

    1. Your thinking is so wrong. Debates are to see how our candidates handle America's issues. Person responses are extremely important. We don't want a President who cannot handle a situation when under pressure.

  13. The party of riots and looting promote themselves with words like malarkey and skullduggery.

  14. Why are we even still calling democrats democrats? They do not stand for democracy and do not deserve the title!


  16. I don't believe Nancy is afraid of anything. Don't forget she is the 3rd line of succession if anything happens to the Prez or Vice... REGARDLESS if Trump stays or Biden gets it.

    That's something most don't talk about. Speaker of the House is #3

  17. I for one am tired of Pelosi belittling our President. Her statements "Don't listen to him..."
    "Don't dignify him" referring to a debate. There should be a law or censor ship against belittling our standing President by Congress. What are our enemies thinking of America after she makes such statements. Weak is the only word that is appropriate. She needs to conduct herself in a more professional way - it's called respect.

  18. She is the least dignified Speaker ever. The dems need to clean house. I almost feel bad for them. Joe Biden? Not the best they could do.

  19. I think Pelosi is suffering from ice cream induced brain freeze.

  20. Pelosi, Waters, Schmucky Schumer all regularly say nasty things about Trump and then the call him divisive.

    Rule # 1. The dumbocrats accuse the Republicans of what the dumbs are doing.

  21. How about holding a real debate. No political comantators from the media acting a moderator. Incumbent and challenger walk onto stage. Challenger calls head or tails. A coin is tossed by a random member of the production crew. The winner of the coin toss opens with what ever topic he wants. Rules of the debate, 4 minutes for opening remark, 4 minutes for rebuttal. other candidate, 4 minutes on any topic he wants, 4 minutes for rebuttal. Mike of the candidate not on the clock is turned off. Back an forth for 60 minutes. Cameras will only be on the candidate that is speaking, no wide shots, or reaction shots and no studio audiences.


  22. Get her a new set of Dentures !!! LOL She is a Nut case !!
    2 Term Limits to keep those like her OUT of congress !!!!


  23. I think President Trump should volunteer to debate former Vice-President Biden in Biden's basement TV studio. They both take the drug test, supervised by the Surgeon General. Each gets a five (5) minute opening statement. They choose who goes first by Rock, Paper, Scissors live on screen. They are 10 feet apart and may sit or stand; each has a chair beside a small lectern. Two cameras provide redundancy but are focused identically to show both debaters at all times.

    Each Senator, and both the Speaker of the House and the Minority Leader get to submit one (1) printed question that fits on a 3x5 index card. That provides 102 potential questions.
    The cards are machine shuffled and paced face down. Two minute responses at which point the mic cuts off. One minute rebuttal to the other candidate. Any talking beyond that point is deducted from their next answer period.

    Their wives are off camera and take turns asking the questions by taking the next card from the stack and asking the opposing candidate. Dr. Jill to the President, and FLOTUS Melania to former VP. After asking the question it is displayed on screen for 15 seconds; viewers see the question and who authored it. Their 2 minute clock starts when the 15 seconds are up, or if they start their answer early.

    Each candidate has two challenges where they can choose not to answer; they lose that turn and the audience can draw its own conclusions. At the end of 80 minutes they do Rock, Paper, Scissors again to see who goes first for 5 minute closing statements.

    Second debate at Mar-A-Lago and third at Independence Hall flanking the Liberty Bell. until the next debate.The remaining questions are placed in Al Gore's lockbox and guarded by Seals and their K-9s until the next debate.

    Astute observers may note that Republicans have more senators; that's true but several are RINOs, and the shuffled card feature means each candidate has an equal choice of getting a friendly softball or unfriendly high tight fastball. And since the question's author's name is shown total fluff won't cut it.

    Are you ready to rumble?

  24. F off Nancy!!! We, the people, demand the debates. We can't help it if her man doesn't have enough sense to stand up against our man. We want and demand the debates!! Nancy is not the ruling queen she thinks she is.

  25. Pelosi is the image of skullduggery and as always is out to lunch with Captain Crunch!

  26. I knew they were going to try something like that. They know that Trump will wipe the floor with Biden. Trump will make a fool out of Biden. And he will do a much better job at it than Biden making a fool of his own self.


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