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Saturday, August 29, 2020

Harris Urges In-person Polling Location on Smith Island

WASHINGTON, DC: Rep. Andy Harris, M.D. (MD-01) On Friday wrote to the Somerset County Board of Elections urging them to have an in-person polling location for the November 3rd election on Smith Island.  Currently, there will not be a polling place on the island on election day or for early voting.  Governor Hogan has stated that Maryland will not hold a vote by mail-only election and that each citizen should have the right to vote in person.  A copy of Dr. Harris’s letter is attached.
Congressman Harris made the following statement:
“Governor Hogan has made it clear that each Marylander should have the option to vote in person in the federal election this fall.  Smith Island is remote and requires paid ferry service to the mainland, where Somerset County will have a polling location.  Given the costs of travel and unpredictability of weather that could impede getting to the mainland, my constituents on Smith Island who wish to vote in person could very well be disenfranchised of their Constitutional right on election day.  I urge the Somerset County Board of Elections to rectify this situation.”


  1. Hogan is treating this like Hitler and other communist countries. He will do anything to put Trump at a disadvantage and benefit his socialist communist friends.

    How much money is he receiving from the Democrats, George Soros organizations such as BLM and ANTIFA , Bloomberg, CAIRS and other anti-democrat organizations like he did from KOREA on his COVID test kits.

  2. You live on an Island. You know that when you choose to live there. If you don't like to take a boat then move. I'm sure if you go to town on voting day, you can also get your shopping done and anything else. It kinda comes with the package you choose.

  3. Yet he does nothing about the ILLEGAL mail in ballots around Maryland or country. I really hope Andy Harris is voted out of office. He's a do nothing photo op POS.

  4. 11:43. Hogan has nothing to do with this! It is the Somerset county board of elections that is not putting a polling place on Smith Island! Shameful. Causing such inconvenience and cost to exercise the residents right to vote.

    1. They voted trump and will again.

  5. Islanders are used to getting what they want.

    And most of them don't come to town to grocery shop. The Food Lion in Crisfield allows them to place their orders by phone, and the employees shop for them. Cases and Case of groceries are sent over everyday, and it sucks for the rest of us that live in town. Don't even try to get the circular sale stuff on Wed. Its gone til the truck comes, because they shipped it out to them.

    Mail it in or haul your butts over to the mainland. Not everything is a conspiracy.


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