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Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Democrats are pretending the cities aren’t burning

The Democratic convention portrayed an America suffering from every possible sort of malady — except urban ­unrest.

Is the country going through a terrible pandemic? Yes. A punishing recession? Absolutely. Is our democratic system itself under threat? Of course. Is the planet about to be destroyed by inaction on climate change? Check. Are systemic racism, income inequality and corporate greed blighting our national life? Most definitely.

The Democrats put an accent on every disturbing development during the Trump years, but not on the disorder that has caused countless millions in property damage, killed and injured innocent people and contributed to rising lawlessness in cities around the country.

About that, they maintained a discreet silence.

Across four nights and eight hours of programming, no one mentioned it — not the community activists, not the mayors or governors, not the former presidents and first ladies, and emphatically not the party’s current nominees for president and vice president.



  1. It's a trap. They're hoping Trump brings in the military and lights the place up so they can accuse him further of racism and murdered of "American Citizens"

  2. He needs to save that response until after the election. Then he needs to hit all of them hard and fast. It’s time to shut this circus down!

  3. There is nothing to mention, and this charge is a false one.

    It was not only Democrat cities with riots, it was also Republican run cities as well. San Diego, Jacksonville, Fort Worth, Omaha, and Oklahoma City all had riots and are all Republican run.

    There are THOUSANDS of Democrat led cities. A handful of them having problems does not reflect all of them, and the claim that these handful of cities problem is because of their "Democratness" is NOT reflective of that actual facts.

    This false meme is forwarded with the hope that no one fact checks it, it assumes that those who will accept the meme are stupid.

    I'm not saying you are stupid, I'm only imploring you to fact check and apply some skepticism to bad claims.

  4. They're burning under Trump. I'm getting these ridiculous texts from the Trump campaign that a Biden presidency will result in widespread looting and burning cities and yet I've been seeing it on the news for years now....

  5. 10:27 after November I hope he calls in the military and wipes them off the map

  6. Because the democrat party is the party of and for racists. It is the party of rampant racism. The destruction is happening in neighborhoods where the population is mostly black. To democrats blacks are not human beings. They are nothing but votes.

  7. Ever since election night back in 2016 the liberals have been in a tail spin. They rolled out the conspiracy theories that have been disproved but managed to impeach through majority. Talk about the depths of despair. Democrats are nothing but sore losers and have been on "the attack" ever since. The ultimate act of desperation was to nominate Joe Biden, the career loser who can't seem to maintain cognitive thoughts and a veep candidate only because of her skin color who couldn't nudge the delegate needle in the primaries. When Clinton ran against Trump it was the lesser of the evils; this will be democracy vs anarchy and socialism. MAGA!

  8. The current mayor of Kenosha, Wisconsin has been mayor for 16 years!. Wanna guess what political party he is a member of? All the media are downplaying the fact that he is of the democrat persuasion.

  9. Democrats are Behind it all & they Get ALL the Blame !!!

  10. According to CNN, armed civilians are engaging the protesters (their headline). This may actually be the beginning of the second civil war!

  11. " Anonymous said...
    They're burning under Trump. I'm getting these ridiculous texts from the Trump campaign that a Biden presidency will result in widespread looting and burning cities and yet I've been seeing it on the news for years now....

    August 26, 2020 at 8:09 AM"

    Don't blame Trump The looting and rioting, the destruction, blacks trying to burn each other alive is owned by the democrats and the democrats alone. The President has been more then generous then I would have been in offering federal help. The democrats mayors/governments refuse. The democrats in charge won't even allow the local PD's to stop the destruction What the democrats are allowing though are the blacks to $hit in their own nests. The police are under orders to keep the rioters herded up and corralled in their own neighborhoods and gets to what amounts to free reign to destroy their own nests.
    Obviously you didn't' notice that when the garbage tried to destroy federal property they found themselves immediately thrown to the ground cuffed and caught federal charges they didn't even know existed. The President is for law and order. Biden and the democrats are for lawlessness and chaos and if you had even one drop of moral blood JUST ONE DROP in that body of yours you would admit this.

    1. Who else is to blame? I’ve never seen this under any other president in my lifetime. His racist rhetoric stoked the flames. Law and Order president who pardoned his criminal friends and commits crimes himself. I can agree with some Republican values but not this president. He says what his base wants to hear...he’s not a policy and doesn’t know politics. He only knows corruption. It’s how he has ran his businesses, cheating people and lying. You people are sheep who only listen to outlets that play on your fears. Research what you hear .

    2. if you live in one of these cities YOU ARE TO BLAME because you voted in these lame ass Democrats that wont do anything. Trump didnt put them in charge YOU Did. blame them for doing nothing


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