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Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Democrat Puppet Ali Velshi Begs Obama Adviser, ‘Tell Us’ How to Cover Biden’s VP!

Some journalists in the media aren’t even hiding they are Democrat activists, anymore. From his MSNBC pedestal Sunday, Ali Velshi actually berated viewers to vote Democrat in November or be complicit in America’s misogyny towards women. If that wasn’t bad enough, the Biden lackey went on to literally beg Obama adviser Valerie Jarrett to tell the media how to report sympathetically on Biden’s female VP pick.

The Velshi host ended his show’s first hour trying to bully viewers into voting for Biden. He lectured the only way America would be “great again” would be if a woman was in office because Americans had been too sexist to vote for a woman leading up to this point. The amount of women in Congress and all other levels of political leadership in America didn’t seem to diminish Velshi’s zeal for hyperbole:

Today we find ourselves on the cusp of history…It's going to take real effort to mess this one up, but if there’s anything America can mess up, it's the advancement of women. I don’t know if its misogyny or sexism but it sure is something. We find reasons to criticize, chastise woman candidates in a way we don't do with men...From women, we demand a plan, we want to see receipts and we often vote for someone else anyway. Whatever this thing is we've been doing so long, it's time to stop, end the double standards, the age-old criticisms that have plagued women in our society and politics for centuries.

We spent the last 3 1/2 years showing the world how great we are not. We have less than three months to remind the world that America can be again, to demonstrate what female leadership looks like in America, to prove why we are great, to embrace the ideals that we say we stand for.



  1. She’s used to being on her knees she’ll fit right in

  2. She go 2 percent in the primary so Biden’s handlers pick her. It’s all about mail in votes and going to court. Biden hired 600 lawyers. Why you ask?

    1. Exactly right. I just hope the SPINLESS Republicans aren't caught flat-footed. Or they didn't know he had hired these lawless lawyer's.

  3. She’s got a little African American in her ... Willie Brown


  4. Velshi should cut back on the beans; he's full of it!


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