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Friday, August 21, 2020

Democrat Party Platform: Ban Online Ammo Sales, License All Gun Owners

The 2020 Democrat Party platform is rife with gun controls that include an all-out ban on online ammunition sales and a push to require every state in the Union to license gun owners.

The 2020 platform also continues a pledge to secure universal background checks, which have existed in California since the 1990s and are currently in place in New York, New Jersey, and other states rife with gun violence.

Gabby Giffords’s gun control law center reports 13 states in total have such checks.

The Democrat’s platform also pledges a ban on online gun sales and efforts to prohibit “some individuals convicted of assault or battery to buy and possess firearms.” Additionally, Democrats will “ban the manufacture and sale of assault weapons and high capacity magazines” and “pass legislation requiring that guns be safely stored in homes.”



  1. Real America Loading up now on AMMO !!! Getting Ready !!!!!

  2. Here we go penalize the law abiding citizens and deny them the right to protect themselves from the criminals. We do not need anymore gun laws. Just enforce those that are in place. No more plea bargaining for gun violations. What is needed is for our criminal justice system to have truth in sentencing and impose the proper sentences as outlined by law instead of slapping the gang bangers on the wrist and releasing them to commit more crimes. No one is taking my guns and I am glad I stocked up on ammunition. To quote my late brother-in-law, "rather be tried by twelve than carried by six!"

    1. 8:56
      Why encourage the enforcement of unConstitutional Statutory Laws?

      Shall not infringe . . . Period

  3. Does anyone find it odd that the democrats so easily used a Pandemic to help their elderly dementia candidate. Why would China lock down their own country but let sick people leave? Why are Dems in overtime helping China? One Week before China signed a deal with the US that would have been costing them billions..As if it was planned as a last resort. Who has benefited during the virus? Mostly all billionaire Dems, China and Joe Biden... DNC was like watching a hired PR team for China. If it quacks

  4. I'll show you my license, it's called the 'Right to keep and bear arms'. Not privilege to own, store and clean. Keep and bear.

    1. Haaa, Haaa Haaa Hey pal, guess what? The piece of paper you’re referring to, the Constitution of the United States of America, isn’t worth the paper it’s written on. We Democrat’s will do whatever we damn please and YOU WILL obey!

    2. 6:40 Rotflmao. That’s the funniest thing I’ve read today! You pansy soi boys won’t do crap and you know it. Bahahaha. I’ll be in my deer stand waiting for you to come take it.

    3. I be at home waiting for you to do what ever you damn please. Come and get son.

  5. Time to Stock up America !!! Take out the communists in America !!!

    1. Tick Tock Tick Tock....matter of timeAugust 21, 2020 at 11:40 PM

      We are

      Millions and Millions of brand new gun owners are buying guns and ammo

  6. Yes to 9:04. We're not stupid, but other need an education!

  7. From my cold dead hands!

    Sick of this bull$shit!

    Watch Death hunt with Bronson. Been stocking ammo and fire arms for 2 decades. Come and take them you liberal progressive bastards.

  8. If police get defunded who will protect Antifa and BLM.

  9. Don't register sh*t. Don't pay anyone for "permission" to own a gun.
    Don't give your fingerprints to them, or think you have to take "classes" in order to exercise your rights.
    I keep looking, thinking I might have missed it, but I just can't find the clause in the Constitution that says we need GOVERNMENT PERMISSION before "We, the people" are ALLOWED to use our rights.
    Get off your knees.
    Talk all the smack you want about forcing "We, the people" to "comply".
    I have your "comply" locked and loaded.
    And I've NEVER asked ANYONE if it was okay with them.
    There are MILLIONS of Americans just like me.
    Like I said --- get off your knees and be a man.

    Or keep cheering "leaders" (spit the taste out now) who openly tell you that they will be the ones who decide which one of your rights they will LET you use. Silly me. I thought that was decided a couple of hundred years ago.
    You DO know, however, that the OTHER rights are also on their list, too, right???

  10. So what's wrong with a universal background check?? You do know that if you have any job related to school or working with kids, you have to get a background check. This is true of many other jobs too. Anybody reading this website probably has multiple guns already. The sky will not fall.

  11. Born on my family farm, not the hospital. Been hunting since I was strong enough to tote and use a firearm. And the game harvested was to feed us. I never killed anything without purpose. Today pushing 76 yoa, there’s another purpose for maintaining a proper working firearm. Before it was for food, today it is for protection. Now in my humble opinion this has been caused by politicians and law makers making wrong decisions in allowing bad people to get away with doing bad things. This has created a climate where anything goes without consequences. That’s where the change has come about from food to protection. As a hard working American, I am tired of our employees telling me what to do. I have had enough sense to make it all this time with my own decisions and don’t need some dummy feeding off of my taxes, tell me how to exist. I also think it’s time for Gabby Gillfords to enjoy her own life and stop milking this crap. I had nothing to do with her husband being shot. Point the crap where it should be directed. I would have protected him if possible.

  12. Plenty of AMMo Plenty of Guns & NOT going away !!! America baby

  13. Criminals get their guns & ammo , so WHY can't the Good people have
    it too ??

    DUGH !!

  14. Don't beg for your rights. When they come for the guns, kill them. Once they realize it isn't going to be a casual affair they won't have people volunteering for the job. The solution is simple.

    What you need not do is believe that when they disarm you they'll leave you alone to go back to what we recognize as normal life. If that was their goal they'd have no need to disarm you nor reduce your firepower capability to the point where resistance against their agenda is nigh impossible.


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