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Thursday, August 20, 2020

Deborah Birx wishes US lockdown looked like Italy's, where people couldn't leave their homes without gov't permission

If you thought the coronavirus lockdown last spring was oppressive or find the various mask mandates to be a bridge too far, then be thankful White House Coronavirus Task Force coordinator Deborah Birx's hopes did not come true.

Birx said Monday that she wished the United States had gone into a lockdown that looked like the one Italy's government imposed: A lockdown that forced Italians to remain in their homes for days or weeks at a time — except for "essential" activities.

During a roundtable COVID-19 discussion led by Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson (R) on Monday, CNN reported, Birx shared what she had learned as the task force continued to monitor and make recommendations as the pandemic spread across the U.S.

One thing that stood out to her was how Americans reacted to restrictions and what they would put up with to fight the spread of the virus. She went on to lament that the country was not able to implement a lockdown like the one in Italy.



  1. Lock down didn’t do anything but spread the virus to old people. She also said wearing a scarf would stop the spread but kinda laughed when saying it is if I’m a ridiculous person but they believe me.

  2. Hey Dr Birx, go sh_t in your hat and cover it with your scarf . Oh and by the way,move to Italy.

  3. If booze could be ordered from Amazon.com...

  4. I'll stay home with the same support she has, if she'll stay home too. I will need someone to bring me needed supplies just as she does.

  5. Believe nothing you hear and half of what you see.

    1. I believe half of what I hear and all that I see.

  6. I have a fever but I’m ok because it was a bladder infection. I’m so wonderful I will share it to the world that my urine burns while speaking to reporters from the White House.... Just curious what plague has she ever cured? Remember Aids and then constant shoveling propaganda? And how it was discriminatory to say it’s mostly in the gay population at the time even thou that’s where the out break was. That was the same dynamic duo.

  7. Our numbers would be much better had the riots been stopped


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