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Saturday, August 01, 2020

Court overturns death sentence of Boston Marathon bomber

An appellate court has tossed the death sentence and overturned three of the convictions of 2013 Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev.

The ruling will not result in Tsarnaev, 27, being freed, and the death penalty can now be revisited in a penalty-phase trial do-over.

If federal prosecutors do not pursue a second death penalty trial, Tsarnaev will remain imprisoned on multiple life sentences that are not affected by Friday’s ruling.

The death penalty was invalidated because the trial judge did not adequately screen jurors for pre-trial bias, the ruling read.



  1. He stands zero chance of ever leaving prison alive.
    It costs over $60,000 per year to house a prisoner at Colorado Supermax. If not executed, he could survive for another 50 years.
    Add the cost of court appeals and retrials.

  2. he killed 3 & wounded countless others. Death penalty is deserved.

  3. so much for swift justice.

  4. Let him out. We can handle him

  5. Had to be a liberal judge ... free the killers imprison the innocent

  6. Did the POS judge adequately screen jurors in the Roger Stone case? Obviously not.

    1. Yes, and found that Mr. Roger (to you) should never been yanked out of his residence during the early morning home invasion.

  7. More corrupt judge's.

  8. Question: is jury composition the judge's responsibility? Surely the defense attorneys should have seen the problem, but didn't voice it during jury selection?

  9. A death penalty should mean just that a death penalty it's not like you have DNA evidence saying now he didn't do it. The court found him responsible and so did the jurors you are breaking the law in appealing it and sending him and others like him free. You might as well throw away jail, courts, juror trials, police officers and all law that's next on the Democrats wish list.

  10. The three member court was made up of a Reagan hold over who dissented, and two Obama judges that overturned this. Truly despicable.

  11. Since the Boston Bombing was an intel event, this guy is simply being managed to protect the fairy tale.

  12. 1:03 - Dead people don't talk or need managing

  13. I agree with the above

    let him out of jail

    we will deal with him

    he will see Ollie or Allah in hell very quickly


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