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Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Chicago to use Social Media to track Tourist violating Quarantine; city dismisses comparison to 'Big Brother'

CHICAGO - On second thought, maybe you shouldn’t post that selfie.

Chicago is doubling down on efforts to enforce its emergency coronavirus travel order, as officials will now be reviewing the social media posts of possible violators as the pandemic continues.

Public health authorities shared the update during a news conference earlier this week, revealing that officials may check the social feeds of suspected offenders to collect evidence for a possible citation, according to USA Today. The outlet reports that suspected violators will be identified as such through “contact tracing or other measures."

The city’s emergency travel order took effect on July 6, mandating that those who arrive from states with surges in COVID-19 cases quarantine for a 14-day period upon arrival.

"One of the easiest ways to sort of get enough proof that there was the potential of a violated quarantine order without me having to send out an inspector or do any sort of more aggressive follow up to collect that is to look at social media," said Dr. Allison Arwady, Chicago Department of Public Health Commissioner, according to NBC Chicago.

"They're in any of the states that violated our order and then a few days later, they're in Chicago, and they're clearly out in Chicago, not just back, but at a restaurant or at the Bean or whatever it may be, and they're posting about that — that's an example of where we could use that as proof to issue citations," Arwady continued, stressing that the practice will be used on a case-by-case basis.

"I don't want to like overemphasize that we're somehow Big Brother in monitoring people's social accounts — we're absolutely not doing that," she said. "But where we already have a concern, it's one of the easiest ways to identify people who are not just breaking the travel order but flaunting it publicly."



  1. Govt uses all the computer & phone world to CONTROL the people of
    the world !!! Electronics = the New Evil !!!

  2. Why not just shut all of Chicago down and issue warrants on those who come outside period. I believe they could use a good cleansing since every weekend you can count on reading about numerous people getting shot and/or killed.

    1. Actually the news said that they have blocked all roads into the city.

  3. First - who is stupid enough to visit Chicago? Second - how can they afford to track tourists ?wouldn't police resources be better used to catch the people committing murders in your city

    1. 10:30
      Ms Naive,
      The police are present to enforce illegal Statutory Laws against the once-free People.

      They protect and serve the people who PAY them: the ruling elite

  4. 10:30 Exactly, but for some reason people think if you defend the police it means no cos on the streets.., And that is false, unless the upper who control you slaves want you to "feel the pinch" then they will instead of getting rid of crap like this, they will fire cops so there is more crime to make you all feel it, and to show you who is boss... We don't need cops... Once the criminal gets shot, end of criminal in this world, do it enough, and there will be no crime.... And since we do their job for them, seeing how they always ask for our help to find people for them, and how most of everything goes unsolved unless it is drug related, IE the way cops fund their budgets partly, why are they even needed, crime is bad, and not going down or going away, so what the fuck are they really needed for??? At least the people would stop being abused and beat, shot or tased!!! I mean crime is here still when you have cops, so they are not needed... And shots who think they are, are coward pussies who want someone else to do their safety for them, when it is your own responsibility... But it is ok, soon it will get out of hand and those very cops you worship and suck their ass cheeks, will abuse you too, then your tune will change!!!!

    1. Never heard of anyone being beat, tased, or shot by following directions.

  5. Chicago will track a tourist, but not drug dealers shooting up neighborhoods, something is seriously wrong with the retards running that city!

  6. WOW. They really haven't a clue. The entire city is being destroyed and they are worried about traveling?? Believe me. The smart one's are leaving the SHITHOLE never to return.

  7. "..as officials will now be reviewing the social media posts.."

    Its the middle of Aug - the nation pretty much shut down the 2nd week of March....and NOW officials are hunkering down?

    Leaders dropped the ball and trying to scurry now - no. You should not be leaders anymore. Governors bitched to the Administration saying they are in charge of their states/territories - WELL how'd that work?

    Failure and now you must be held accountable. No 3rd or 4th - or in the case of Chicago 87th chance....no additional terms, best resign now.

    The day is coming where the Administration will step in to bail you Governor's out. Failure by you failed the nation. Stupidity cannot be fixed - but can be removed. Harsh times are needed to help our country - step aside and let someone do the work. We know who those folks are - just look at the statistics.


  8. So these knuckleheads can not stop the looting and rioting but they can trace people to make sure they are not sick. TRUMP its time to send in the Guard. These democrats are incapable of governing.

  9. Meanwhile the city is on fire again and 100 cops got hurt. Probably a billion in more damages and thefts.

  10. Why not use your fancy tracking to keep up with criminals, such as the looters who decimated Magnificent Mile. Or maybe keep up with the shooters who are killing your residents every day. But, no, let's track sick Covid patients. Such a good idea.


  11. Pandemic or not, why would anyone want to visit Chicago under conditions that have prevailed there for years and years?


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