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Thursday, August 06, 2020

CDC Director Urges Schools To Reopen In ‘Public Health Interest’

The head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says schools should reopen in the fall, declaring it is in the “public health interest” to reopen.

“I don’t think I can emphasize it enough as the director for the Centers for Disease Control, the leading public health agency in the world — it is in the public health interest that these K through 12 students to get the schools back open for face-to-face learning,” Dr. Robert Redfield on Friday told lawmakers with the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis.

Redfield said children, who are at very low risk for complications from COVID-19, said it important for mental health.

“I want these kids back in school,” he said. “I want it done smartly but I think we have to be honest that the public health and interest of the students in the nation right now is to get a quality education and face-to-face learning. We need to get on with it.”



  1. I don't get it. So bare, resteruants and even salons are unsafe but schools are ok. Which is it. Hoe do we know what to believe?

  2. Shut up. The world is over. Shut down all bars and restaurants but schools are ok. Which is it?!

  3. They will use the kids next for this covid BS, mark-my words here and now!!!!

    1. I agree 406, this covid is all bullshit.

  4. Unemployment is high. Just hire a babysitter and go on with the virtual learning.

  5. There he goes putting learning before health and safety.

  6. Open everything 100% including schools, no mask, no 50% capacity, no bars closing at 10:00 PM. Wash you hands often and keep them out of your mouth. If you're a fearful sheeple stay in your residence with your non-certified mask on 24/7. They rest of us want to enjoy life.

  7. Fifty percent of covid deaths have had super short finger nails, nail biters beware.


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