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Tuesday, August 11, 2020

BREAKING: Shots Fired! POTUS Pulled Off Stage…

(Infowars) – After a shooting took place outside the White House on Monday, President Trump was briefly removed from a press conference before returning to complete the event.

“There was a shooting outside the White House and it seems to be under control,” POTUS said. “I’d like to thank the Secret Service for doing quick and effective work. But, there was an actual shooting and somebody has been taken to the hospital. I don’t know the condition of the person. It seems the person was shot by Secret Service, so we’ll see what happens.”



  1. Trump handled that like cool hand Luke

  2. That was Schumer & Schiff outside !!! LOL LOL

  3. Breaking news? This happened nearly 24 hours ago.

  4. How is this breaking when it happened yesterday? He wasn't pulled off the stage either. He was talking they came out and said something, he said excuse me....and walked off. No hurrying, no rushing and not pulling. Sick of all the media trying to add drama where none is needed.


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