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Sunday, August 09, 2020

Borrowed From A Friend: R.I.P. Bob Culver

Bob Culver was a strong hands-on leader that loved Wicomico County and lived for his job as Wicomico County Executive. Arriving at work daily before 7:00 am, he was indeed a public servant. Bob was more than a leader/manager; he was a visionary, a friend, a mentor, and an inspiration. His energy, spunk, and sometimes a rebellious nature that made working for him the utmost fulfilling and rewarding experience. He was honest, you knew where he stood, and what he was thinking. Bob had confidence, honor, and respect for all his employees and department leaders. He built an incredible team that successfully kept the County functioning seamlessly through the ups and downs over the last six years as County Executive.
Although his accomplishments were not always on the front lines of social media, he thrived on the day-to-day contact with his staff and the citizens of Wicomico County. At the minimum, his participation included: grabbing a shovel at field 7.5; throwing the first pitch at Shore Birds Stadium; enjoying an oyster fritter sandwich and ice cream at the local carnivals; escorting the Governor through the Wicomico County Fair; socializing at fireman’s dinners; taking questions at town hall meetings; serving spaghetti at the VFW, and; personally plowing the streets after heavy snow. He was always involved.
Over his Executive term, some of his significant accomplishments include, but are not limited to, the following:
• Bennett Middle/Senior
• Delmar Elementary renovations
• Beaver Run Elementary renovation/replacement
• Glen Avenue Elementary renovations
• West Salisbury Elementary
• Pinehurst Elementary roof replacement
• Mardela Middle/High School track and field
• Wicomico stadium lighting
• Wicomico High School and Parkside High School
auditorium retrofit
• Wor-Wic Economic Impact Scholarship
• Strong Financial Stability
• The ongoing Airport expansion
• Court House restoration and clock tower; 150-year
• Expansion USSSA Eastern Nationals
• Henry S. Parker athletic complex expansion and
• Alcohol sales at the Civic Center
• Civic Center Renovations
• Government Office Building Renovations
• Tax Sale every two years, opposed to annually
• Repeal of impact fees
• Support for the MAC Center
• Restore funding for Meals on Wheels
• Commitment to recycling
• Development and revitalization of Pirates Warf
• Amphitheater installation at Pemberton Park
• Commitment to eradication of OPOID addiction
• Growth in the Kids’ Club afterschool programs
• Distributed coats at tent city
• Connelly Mill excavation, as he envisioned a future park
and camping ground for the community
• Fraternal Order of Police negotiations - five-year
agreement with an ongoing commitment to support
• Dedication to the build of a new Sheriff’s Office
• Devotion to Wicomico County’s fleet management and
• Full support for the local fire department and increase in
The list above is only a summary and does not even begin to touch his commitment to this community and level of service he performed. While he will be missed, each one of us has one fond memory of Bob. And as we look around the County at his accomplishments, we can smile at the legacy for us and the future residents of Wicomico County.
Sir, may you rest in peace. I will cherish every exciting moment and everything you taught me. My thoughts are always with you and your family (Courtney and Chris).