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Thursday, August 06, 2020

BLM Uses 'Mafia Tactics' To Threaten Cuban Restaurant Owner With Diversity Demands

The owner of a Cuban restaurant in Louisville has decried a list of 'diversity demands sent to him and dozens of other small business owners by Black Lives Matter activists - which include guaranteeing that at least 23% of staff are black, 23% of the business's supplies are from black-owned retailers, and 1.5% of their net sales go to black charities. They also need to publicly display a sign showing their support for the movement.Restaurant owner Fernando Martinez and other members of the Cuban community on Sunday protesting against the BLM list of demands.

If they don't comply, the business owners face a series of "repercussions," including social media shaming, 'invasive reclamation' where black owned businesses would set up competing 'booths and tables' outside the stores, and they would have 'their storefronts fucked with,' according to the Daily Mail.

The letter was sent to business owners in the city's 'NuLu' East Market District during a July 24 protest which forced some area businesses to close. BLM argues that the neighborhood was only able to flourish after a housing project was demolished in the 2000s, which 'robbed the black community of opportunities and wiped out their homes,' according to the report.

Fernando Martinez, who owns La Bodeguita de Mima, claims that one of the activists warned him: 'You better put the letter on the door so your business is not f*cked with.'

For the next two days after the protest, he claims he kept his restaurant closed because staff feared for their safety. It meant that more than 30 staff members were not able to earn a paycheck.

He took to Facebook to accuse them of 'mafia tactics' and said that while he respects the movement and wants to support it, it's unfair for his business and safety to be threatened.

'There comes a time in life that you have to make a stand and you have to really prove your convictions and what you believe in.

'All good people need to denounce this. How can you justified (sic) injustice with more injustice?' he wrote on Facebook. -Daily Mail

Read the letter below:


  1. Supporters of BLM are so primal and uncivilized. Normal civilized human beings would not ever teach their children that a life only matters if the killer is a police or white.

  2. They sound like police departments but cheaper and more honest. Acab

    1. 11:44 ABAB ;) Latino lives matter

  3. Cuban lives Matter
    The revolution is coming fast
    Are you ready?

  4. This is called extortion and is a felony crime. Will they be arrested? Bet not.

  5. Well, they saw that obama and his czars got away with it, so why not try it....

  6. Maybe they will visit some mafia controlled businesses.

  7. There;s part of their problem. He says he respects and supports them. Respect is earned and support-well you shouldn't be supporting this racist group!...smh...mho


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