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Friday, August 28, 2020

Bill and Deborah Owens: ‘Many Blacks’ Quietly Supporting Trump

The leaders of the Coalition of African American Pastors(CAAP) told Breitbart News in an exclusive interview Tuesday why they are supporting President Donald Trump and wholeheartedly believe many black Americans will be voting for him, though some may do so quietly.

CAAP President Rev. Bill Owens and his wife, Deborah De Sousa Owens, said it is both “disturbing” and “dishonest” that a party that celebrated America’s “first black president” now claims the United States is “inherently racist.”



  1. I’m black and will not be intimated by ANTIFA or BLM ... I’m voting for Trump

  2. Electing a black president doesn't make up for the fact that the KKK is still not designated as a terrorist or hate group.

    1. The KKK was started as the enforcement arm on the Democrats

  3. As long as all of these silent supporters actually go vote to re-elect the president, their support is worthwhile...

    GO VOTE!

  4. The ones that want to succeed are supporting him. They want to better themselves. The ones that are not, are the ones that don't want to work and want everything free. They are the ones you always see playing the victim.

  5. " Anonymous said...
    Electing a black president doesn't make up for the fact that the KKK is still not designated as a terrorist or hate group.

    August 28, 2020 at 2:52 PM"

    There is no such thing as the KKK anymore. While yes there a few a VERY few nuts who go online and trash blacks calling them n's and other offensive things the reality is the KKK is no more.

  6. 5:34

    You are correct, the dumocrats abandoned them for BLM

  7. So are Many Whites & Others !!! Quiet Until Voting DAY !!! Hint Hint

  8. Remember, when you are in the voting booth, nobody knows the way you vote.

    Mail in? absentee? Not so much.

    1. They know how I vote because I let them know. Go Trump !

  9. Why shouldn't blacks support Trump? He has done so many wonderful things for blacks, white their buddy obama did nothing for them except stir up a lot of racial tensions. Trump will do even more for them in the coming 4 years. Vote TRUMP!!!!!! Also, vote republican everything.......even dogcatcher,.


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