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Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Baltimore GOP candidate whose campaign ad stunned the internet joins Ingraham


  1. The Republican Governor of Maryland has not reached out to her yet???

    1. No 5:59, hogan is just a RINO/POS who would rather endorse a piece of shit than someone that actually wants to help the state.

  2. Lifted the veil, but will she win a seat?

  3. I hope she continues to gain traction. Baltimore needs people like her

  4. The Republican Governor of Maryland is a RINO. That is why he hasn't reached out to Ms. Klacik. That and he is too busy with his book tour and running Trump down.

  5. Gov Hogan, Are you listening?

    Considering you just recently criticized the Mayor for the out of control crime in Baltimore City, this young women appears to the real deal. A real chance of getting something done, skip the hope. Please reach out to her, and help her become elected. We need a new path, and your leadership is required.

  6. Hope she wins and can make a difference👍

  7. Baltimore is too far gone. It’s nothing more than a out of control disease that there’s no cure for.

  8. Yes Baltimore is trash. Its because the industries that supported good blue collar work evaporated. Nothing to do with politics. Go to Elkton or countless other Eastern Shore towns. Or other small towns in GOP districts. You'll seem the same washed out city scape, just on a smaller scale, packed with broke out of work or underpaid people, drugs, etc. The problem is you folks keep letting the left and right politicians play us for fools. While you fight over politics, they are all enjoying cocktails at the country club and laughing at us.

  9. This is so true but blacks wont' support her. Most are democrats probably all are democrats in that area and we all know all democrats are garage so the blacks in that city love to live like that. They also could care less black children are getting murdered by blacks there and in other cities almost daily now. It is something with that culture that they don't even love their own children. It must be those African roots of theirs and we all know what goes on with the rapes until death of even infants in Africa.

  10. Love this woman. Hope she runs for governor when that Rino is done.


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