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Monday, August 24, 2020

America’s Moral Obligation for Universal Broadband

Too little progress has been made to ensure that high-speed Internet is available to all. As the pandemic has demonstrated, far too many still don't have what they need to function in a virtual world.

The impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the lives and livelihoods of so many Americans confirms a belief many of us held two decades ago: that someday broadband would be as essential to modern life as clean water and electricity. We made this prediction amid some snickering and heckling by academic and government types, but we believed, as I wrote in my book Civil Rights to Cyber Rights, that we had "a moral obligation to see that broadband becomes universally accessible and beneficial to the public."

We envisioned a wired nation where all important social functions would be performed in a virtual town square or from smart homes. Not only has this not happened, but COVID-19 has brought to light just how unprepared we are as a nation to function in this type of online environment despite the United States' head start in the development of the Internet. Now is the time to move forcefully to address this unfulfilled moral obligation.

Our idea of "universally accessible" was not a call for the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) to strictly regulate the Internet as it did telephony, but we anticipated that there would come a time when the public might heavily rely on the Internet and citizens without it would be at a distinct disadvantage — economically, educationally and socially. Unfortunately, this time has come, and after six months of making a go at it, far too many still are not prepared to function in a virtual world. An estimated 35 percent of Black households and 29 percent of Hispanic households are still without a broadband connection.



  1. I don’t have a right to free speech (any longer)
    I don’t have a right to breathe fresh air (any longer)

    But we all have a RIGHT to broadband internet?

    I might just kill my self

    1. I hate to have to tell you this. You don’t have the right to kill yourself.

  2. Who pays for free internet for all social security???

  3. So sick of everything being a "right" while the "left" destroys everything they can :(

  4. Broadband has a Broad Price !!! Make it come down , Long Overdue !

  5. No mention of how many WHITE households have none , as always ,
    Whites Never Matter !!! SAD

  6. If students are being forced to be educated at home through the internet, the county's are obligated to supply it free.

  7. I don’t understand why you refuse to publish comments?

  8. We’ll give you enough to get by but not get ahead ... modern slavery

  9. Why have Cyber Rights become Civil Rights? Are there Auto Rights? Nicer clothes than I have Rights? Steak on Saturday nights Rights? Good grief.

  10. If kids don’t go back into school you don’t need many teachers so use public school funds to pay for it

  11. Internet Broad Band should be FREE by Law for ALL !!! @ Gig Speed

  12. Internet > If Nobody Owns it , then WHY do we have to Pay for it ???

  13. The internet should have never gone public. It's just become a big commercial social media Tower of Babel. Before shopping and pictures it was a black screen with green type you had to know code to get into the bulletin boards and primitive blogs and know how to manage a dial up modem on a hard wired phone. Things were much more sensible then and perfectly Elitist.

  14. It is a Big Breach of Security to let the public have it !! It was only to
    be used by the Military from the beginning & later the Govt !!

    It is Not a TOY, & that is how it is used by familys & don't forget the
    Criminals LOVE it !!!

    Phones also are used as Toys by mothers giving it out to their kids !!!

    Breach Of Security & it will Ruin America & the World & Enslave us ALL

  15. The Devil's Best Tool > Electronics to Control the World !!!!

    The Govt LOVES IT to Control everyone too !!!


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