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Friday, August 28, 2020

A Viewer Writes: Elizabeth Day

I imagine COVID 19 was a great thing for Elizabeth. Is she back on the job? Are she and Jake still together? Has the Day family decided that she is a liability for future political roles for Jake?


  1. No she’s no threat to a non-existent political career!!

  2. Leave that poor woman alone. She's married to Jake, don't you think that's punishment enough? Everyone makes mistakes, just some people are fortunate enough not to be married to an attention-seeking, gay man which leads their mistakes to being put in the spotlight like a public spectacle.

    1. Buying drugs off a student while employed as a teacher is hardly a mistake. Plenty of other people out here to buy your drugs from. Had it been anyone else, our career would have been destroyed. It's all in who you know. Always has been always will be.

    2. Her career is destroyed. Her teaching license was pulled and all her education rendered useless.

  3. "future political role for Jake" LOL He has as much a "future political role" as Ireton did. Remember when Ireton thought he was going to defeat Andy Harris? He lost the democrat primary to a perpetual candidate who didn't even campaign a day.

  4. Who cares?? This family is just another self destructive Democrat family. Like most Democrats. You don't have to take them down. They do it to themselves. Because all they think about is themselves.

  5. Jake ASKED for a deployment to Africa. That itself tells the story.

    1. That was so he didn’t have to deal with riots should they come to Salisbury

  6. I can only imagine what that poor woman has to go through being married to him.

  7. Any political role for Day would be state delegate or state senator. That is it that is all.
    The democrat state machine wouldn't support him for any higher office. This because the Eastern Shore is irrelevant. There are not enough voters to carry anyone to even a statewide office. They wouldn't put any money or help behind a candidate from the Eastern Shore.
    All he is and ever will be is a Useful Idiot for the democrat party. Think O'Malley when that lying waste of space tried to run for President. He spent his lifetime as nothing more then a tool a useful idiot for the democrat party. The MD democrat party didn't even support him.

  8. Must be nice to have nothing else to worry about than what's going on in a complete stranger's life. If you have all that free time, I'm sure there is plenty of local volunteer organizations that could use your help. And no, I'm not a Jake Day supporter. Hell, I don't even live in Salisbury. Just don't like nosey people I guess. I mean, is it really that important to you? Those questions must be burning through your brain on a nightly basis!

    1. So here you are not knowing Jake Day or even a Salisbury resident being nosey.... haha

  9. So absolutely sick of the mindset that this teacher should somehow be pitied and not held responsible for her own actions!
    What about the youth that she calculatedly exploited because she was in a trusted position of authority???
    How did we get to a place where this type of behavior would even be considered excusable?

    1. Someone can be held responsible but still deserve pity in a different aspect of their life

  10. She used her position to gain personal information about a minor so that she could pressure them into procuring her drugs(rx meds that she was not herself prescribed) it blows my mind that no one thinks this is a serious problem. She should have no access to children , no use of her credentials and she should be in jail, period

    1. Just because people don't think some ADD meds deserves the death penalty and being permanently shunned by society doesn't mean they don't think it's serious. She lost her job, can never work with kids again, and will serve time. Calm down, it's being handled.

  11. I thought she was fired. Why is her name still listed on wcboe web site?

    1. She was. IF she is really still there, it's just that the person responsible for updating that school's staff hasn't kept up on their job.

  12. Jake Day is a true Patriot serving his country! SALUTE to him!

    1. Now that there's funny I don't care who you are

    2. cant stop laughing serving his country you meant serving his superior. hahahhahha still laughing

  13. Exactly why I was so happy to get off the shore. No more small town local reality tv crap like this.

  14. It's not about Elizabeth - it's about people who are privileged. This issue with Elizabeth will go away because she is married to Jake. That is what is so disgusting. If you or a family member was involved in this type of crime your ass would already be in jail.

    1. The issue actually WON'T go away because she's married to him. Anyone else with a first time charge would have it brushed under the rug, not made a headline. Hear much about the preacher's son who was banging a bunch of girls at Parkside where he worked? I didn't think so.

  15. Anybody sick of hearing “privilege”? That’s the new cover to begin....racist! Go get a life!

    1. No 1:36 pm. I am not sick of hearing the word "Privileged". If you think there is not a class if privileged you are sadly mistaken. Name a very - Hillary, Biden, Hollywood stars, your Governor. All privileged. I can imagine in a small town like Salisbury MD you would know all those who are privileged. It is not a "cover" for racist. Privileged come in all colors - Obama's, Harris, Booker. Need to stop using racist - that's seems to be a Democrat saying.

    2. She's not privileged. She lost her job, she's been charged, and she will serve time when the case goes to trial. The only reason it hasn't is because of this stupid virus shutting down the courts. Unless of course you think these 'privileged white people' did that to delay jail time🙄

  16. Is it true that Liz is Jake’s second wife? Or is that just more drivel from the “we hate Jake day” club that seems to frequent this blog? Is it possible to validate it or is this site living up to its reputation as a fake news factory?

    1. Look it up yourself FAG. You can use a computer?? FAG. Fake news sight but here you are. FAG.

    2. Wow that’s some serious D.D.S.
      Day Derangement Syndrome
      But you are right, I was outta line- I respect Joe and the work that goes into this blog. I just think some of y’all are A little over the top with the Jake hate.

    3. I'm assuming the first one figured out he is gay and also didn't like being verbally and emotionally abused by him.

  17. For Aug. 28, 2020 at 5:27 PM:
    Here is your answer.

    From MD Case Search:
    Wicomico County Circuit Court
    Case No.: 22-C-12-000516
    Case Type: Divorce-Absolute
    Plaintiff: Jacob R. Day
    Defendant: Alison F. Day (AKA: Alison Flanders)
    10/17/2012 Judgement of Absolute Divorce

  18. He needs to divorce barbs


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