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Thursday, August 06, 2020

A Joe Biden presidency would be a disaster for our schools: Devine

Joe Biden sent his own children to an elite private school, and parades as the Black Lives Matter candidate, yet his policies are openly hostile to the educational choices that offer the best chance for minority advancement.

The Biden-Bernie Sanders “unity” policy platform aims a dagger at charter schools, insisting they “undermine the many extraordinary public schools in this country.”

It targets “for profit” charter schools for destruction, while strangling the rest with demands for “accountability.”

It calls for accepting a labyrinth of red-tape, ideological intrusion into the curriculum, ending “high stakes” testing, mandating teacher “diversity” and restricting discipline procedures.

What is it with Democrats and their hostility to schools that offer poor minority kids the best ticket out of generational poverty and disadvantage?

Biden made his views clear at a public-education forum last December when he said if he becomes president, charter schools “are gone.”

“Charter does not mean better,” says his manifesto.



  1. Private School rocksAugust 6, 2020 at 7:48 PM

    cannot blame Slow Joe

    keep your kids out of the Jungle

  2. Schools would be only be a small part. How about our country?

  3. It would be the END of FREE America !!! Not going to Happen !!!

  4. "...the many extraordinary public schools in this country.”

    There are many more extraordinarily bad public schools than extraordinarily good public schools in every large city in the nation.

  5. Well then brace yourselves because Joe is getting ready to kick Americas ass and win the election.

    1. 11:23 Bahahahahaha. The only ass Joe is kicking is his own 🤣🤣

  6. The poor performing schools are always in the mostly minority areas. Also in democrat strongholds and democrat run areas. democrats are totally against school choice. This proves without any doubts democrats are racists and look at blacks as second class citizens not even worthy of decent schools. In more affluent areas which are always mostly white the schools would not ever be allowed to get so bad. This because the people would be pulling their kids out and sending them to private schools. It's called competition. When people have choices it is always better.

  7. The blacks don't care. They have been told who to vote for. Whatever their ASININE pastors, drug dealers, or block captain tells them. Hell in all the major cities. They put voting booths in the basement of rowhomes. Half can't read or write. So they walk in. Get a shot, beer, or blunt. They are told they voted and signed the paper. Or they use taxpayers money to get buses to cart these fool's to a church parking lot. They got chicken, watermelon, pigs feet, and lemon pie. Oh and beer, whiskey, and blunts. They have a good ole time. They walk up sign a paper. Told they VOTED. Give them a sticker and a T shirt. They are happier than clams. FACT!!


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