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Tuesday, August 25, 2020

A Demagogue Named Barack Obama: His DNC Speech

On the day Barack Obama was inaugurated in January 2009, I announced on my national radio show that, "While I did not vote for Barack Obama, he is my president, and I wish him well." I added that I was delighted a black man had been elected president of the United States, that perhaps this would not only help black-white relations get even better than they were but also help put to rest the notion of a racist America.

As it turned out, neither hope was achieved. In fact, in large measure due to Obama, race relations deteriorated during his presidency. Obama turned out to be Black Lives Matter Light. As Politico wrote in 2014, Al Sharpton, perhaps the most consistent race-baiter of the last half-century, "became Obama's go-to man on race." According to The Washington Post, Sharpton visited the Obama White House 72 times.

Obama is idolized by liberals and leftists because he was an activist liberal whose goal, in his own words, right before he was first elected, was "fundamentally transforming the United States of America." And because they love his cool, even-tempered, regal style.

That style masks a demagoguery that far surpasses our current president. It was on display last week when he spoke at the Democratic National Convention.



  1. Wow! I feel likeI wrote this article. I felt exactly the same way when Barrack Obama was elected. He wasn’t my pick, different politics, but I wished him well and was proud of our country. His actions, words and agenda made me quickly see that he was not trying to unify our country but divide it. He was successful and sadly isn’t done. Most former presidents walk away and show respect for the person holding office. He has been destructive and continues to be.

  2. It is scary that this country elected Obama as their President for 2 terms. I just couldn't understand why - does it feel better when the pain ends. It was definitely painful for 8 long years. People lost their homes to bankruptcy (Biden was on the side of Bank mortgages not home owners); jobs were lost, taxes high and of
    course Obama handed Iran cold cash in God knows how much during the middle of the night. Taxpayers money. How dare that he speaks evil of our President Donald Trump. Trump 2020🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  3. Can a former president be arrested and jailed? Just wondering

  4. I think many conservatives (if not most) accepted the results of the 2008 election. I was stunned but hoped for the best; Obama was articulate, smooth, and seemed to have a good message. And then it became unhinged...one wouldn't dare be critical lest he/she be labeled a racist. The country suffered through those 8 years and in the end we learned the truth. Obama was more concerned about his legacy and didn't care squat about blacks he profusely promised to help. Biden was his co-pilot so obviously shared the tenets.

  5. It's amazing to me that so many blacks still look to Obama as a hero. He did NOTHING for the black communities and if anything he made them worse off.

    Well before anyone even heard of Obama we were hearing from the black community police brutality police reform. Well before Bill Clinton even. And what did the democrats do the Crime Bill the bill inspired by the notion that blacks are "super predator" as Hilary Clinton called them.

    The first 2 years of Obama's presidency the democrat held both houses of Congress. This meant they could have passed any police reform bill they wanted to. They did not even bring it up-one of the most important issues to blacks for as far back as Rodney King that I can remember.
    President Trump is the first President ever to address police reform and implement reforms. but if you listen to the MSM you will not know this. The First Step Act went way beyond reintroducing former inmates back into society as law biding productive citizens.
    Earlier this summer the President even expanded on the bill and signed an executive order on police reform.
    I don't live anywhere near Salisbury. What I have noticed in my area now our McDonald which when I was growing up was considered a first job for teens and a step stone job is now staffed with mostly young blacks. That is so good to see. They are learning lessons no one can take away from them. From a work ethic down to dealing with grumps diplomatically. They are all happy and make the trip fun I always tell them to buy Mc D's stock. To me making American great again is seeing our kids employed at their first jobs looking forward to that first paycheck. That so many blacks are benefiting under this President many don't know because they have put all their trust in the MSM, social media etc. Investigate everything for yourself. Look to the source itself such as the bills/executive orders and read them for yourself. Don't let others interpret them for you.

  6. Oh God.......please make that racist bastard and his super racist wife (or husband) go away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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