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Saturday, July 04, 2020

Why Rioters Will Eventually Turn Their Rage On Christianity If Not Stopped

The outrage over statues and the 'white' depictions of Christ is meant to detract us from the real endgame: the 'canceling' of Christianity itself.

Towards the end of his reign, Tuthmosis III of Egypt ordered the destruction of all the public monuments to his aunt, Hatshepsut, the former leader of Egypt. It wasn’t the first instance of iconoclasm that the world had seen, but it has become one of the most memorable.

Iconoclasm — the deliberate destruction of images — has existed almost as long as man has walked the earth. When it took place, there were usually deep and profound reasons for these planned destructions. Rulers sought to erase the memory of their rivals.



  1. Who cares. Churches are dying as the younger, more educated, generation begin to makes their own decisions and choices. Religion, which was created and used for centuries to control people, is finally being seen for what it is. People are too educated to believe that an invisible man in the sky makes any difference in their daily lives.

    1. Actually, I have never seen such stupidity in my life with the younger generation of today. Most can't answer basic questions about out past and history. Also, the Bible is still the most relavent book today. It is written. A one world govnt is coming. And the return of Christ will be because a promise of a remnant. And your uneducated young people will destroy the earth otherwise. Now you can't use the excuse that you haven't been told. Wake up people.

    2. By saying “the Bible is the most relevant book today”, you are staying an OPINION. Don’t come on here acting like it’s a fact. Everyone has their own opinion. Why does everyone keep saying “the return of Christ” or “Jesus is coming back”? Here’s a FACT for you. He isn’t coming back. He was “allegedly” nailed to a cross...not a boomerang.

    3. I encourage you to go to YouTube and look up “George Carlin on Religion”. He explains it PERFECTLY!! Educated people understand logic and reason.

    4. Lordy..... you are in big trouble SatanJuly 5, 2020 at 7:58 PM


      your denial of faith in Jesus is noted...

      you'll regret this on the day of atonement

  2. What the iconoclasts never seem to realize though is the destruction of Icons often imbue them with more mystic and power. The best way to demystify them is to appropriate them from the past and assign a contemporary significance and make them common place. Many Christian Icons themselves are borrowed.

  3. The society is moving toward a one-world religion of Talmudic Judaism. This is communism. Hence the destruction of Christianity.

  4. Most blacks are not real Christians anyway because most vote democrat. You can lie about it all day long but God sees the ugly evil hearts of these people and He will continue to punish them. blm is from the devil and whoever supports it God will punish them. If you support blm you better kiss your loved one good bye and not just say see you later because God is going to punish and they won't see them later. Most are too evil to stop supporting blm so God will keep on punishing them God hates how they lie about being Christian.

    1. 9:23
      You are Jewish
      Not a Christian

      Jesus Christ saved everyone’s soul
      Every single person

  5. He didn't save mine because I don't need it. I answer to one God. I didn't wrong Jesus so I don't need his forgiveness.


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