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Saturday, July 04, 2020

WaPo Admits 'Russian Bounties' Info "Deemed Sketchy" After Pentagon Says "No Corroborating Evidence"

Congressional leaders have demanded answers, and those answers have come in the form of multiple US intelligence agencies and chiefs essentially throwing cold water on the NY Times Russian bounties to kill American troops in Afghanistan story, aswe've detailed.

We expect this "bombshell" will be very short-lived, perhaps being memory holed by the weekend, akin to the fate of other Russiagate-related 'anonymous sources say' type stories.

The Pentagon is the latest to say that DOD-wide there is currently "no corroborating evidence at this time to validate the recent allegations regarding malight activity by Russian personnel against US forces in Afghanistan," according to a late Tuesday evening statement by Defense Secretary Mark Esper.

I want to assure all of our service members that we take seriously any and all potential threats against U.S. military personnel. pic.twitter.com/Tcg3xzkZQ8— @EsperDoD (@EsperDoD) July 1, 2020

And yet the Times is busy publishing photos of slain Marines to help bolster what's increasingly looking like a propaganda hit piece ahead of the November election, for which there's already been considerable backlash from the public.

As of Wednesday it's been revealed that a highly respected career intelligence officer previously made the decision to not brief President Trump on what the Washington Post now belatedly admits was widely "deemed sketchy" information the CIA had obtained in 2019 through either a foreign source or report.



  1. DOJ start making FN ARRESTS.

  2. Meanwhile the Democrats have blasted President Trump for "not responding" to the information. I wonder how many apologies the President will receive. Let me guess. Not a single one.

  3. Washington Compost...duh...

  4. Hey dopes, you cant have it both ways. You cant call the inteligence establishment and generals deep state when they have info that runs counter to what Trump wants you to believe, then suddenly want to use those same people as evidence when their words corroborate the story you wamt told.


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