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Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Walmart, Home Depot, CVS, will serve Customers who don't wear Mask

PITTSBURGH (CNN/KDKA) — Walmart and other major retailers made headlines last week with a new requirement for customers to wear masks in its US stores. But the new rules only go so far.

Walmart, Home Depot, Lowe’s, Walgreens, CVS and others say they still won’t prohibit customers who refuse to wear a mask from shopping in stores. The issue, they say, is they want to avoid confrontations between angry customers and employees.

Retailers and their employees are finding themselves playing the uncomfortable role of mask police. The increase in coronavirus cases is prompting concern over how to protect both customers and workers in crowded stores from infecting each other.

There is no federal mandate to wear a mask, and many state and local governments have not required wearing one. This has forced retailers to navigate a patchwork system and left them in the position of having to create their own policies.

“Many retailers feel like they have to act since some governors haven’t,” said Melissa Murdock, spokesperson for the Retail Industry Leaders Association, which represents companies such as Walmart, Target, Walgreens and others. The group wrote to the National Governors Association on July 6, saying that public officials should issue uniform mask mandates across all 50 states.



  1. I always get my medical advice from retail store employees and management. It saves on doctor bills.

  2. Good for them. Too many employees have been hurt trying to enforce mask requirements. And to those who are going to complain about this policy it's real simple-Do Not shop in those stores.

  3. Don't have to pay doctor bills if you're dead :)

  4. 8:37 Guess what, you have to die anyway, at some point, its called life & death you moronic retard!!!! You also, have to eat, sleep, poop and drink water!!! Or you are DEAD!!! STFU moron, your level of stupid just set back the human race 70 years...

    1. 9:40
      Stop yelling at people
      Calm down before you stroke out

      On second thought . . . . Keep typing those exclamation points

    2. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      Want more !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. The woman at the door of the Seaford Walmart turned away a uniformed arm service member yesterday at approximately 4:00 PM. He had his face covered with T-shirt. She told him it had to be a real mask. I think she had an issue with the uniform.

  6. I'll keep shopping on Amazon since those businesses don't want my money.


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