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Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Walled Lake teacher: Trump tweets prompted firing; district denies it

A Walled Lake teacher maintains he was fired after tweeting his support for President Donald Trump earlier this month, but the school district denies his support for Trump was the reason for his termination.

Justin Kucera, a 28-year-old social studies teacher and baseball coach at Walled Lake Western High School, said he was summoned to a Zoom meeting with district administrators and questioned about three tweets he sent July 6.

Kucera retweeted a Trump tweet, saying "SCHOOLS MUST OPEN IN THE FALL!!!" and also tweeted:

"I'm done being silent. @realDonaldTrump is our president ... Don't @ me"

The latter tweet received several responses, including one that Kucera responded to with a tweet that said, "Liberals suck man." The tweet was later deleted.

A few days later, Kucera said he received an email from district supervisors asking him to attend a Zoom meeting about his tweets.



  1. What does "Don't @ me" mean?

  2. 11:50
    It usually is slang for “don’t come at me” with stupidity and BS lies while trying to defend the indefensible liberal.

  3. So wait a second, this teacher can have free speech but an athlete cannot? Make up your mind conservatives.

    1. Obviously this teacher did not have free speech because he was fired for expressing his political opinions on his personal account during his personal time.
      I don't have a problem with athletes protesting or speaking out. It is different when you are working. This goes to the majority of individuals. When you are on your own time you should be free to express yourself. When you are working, you are on company time. Whether you are an athlete or a teacher your time off should be yours. When you are working your time is theirs. What happened to this teacher is wrong as he was on his own time. If Kaepernick would have spoke his mind on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, etc. and had been fired I would have supported him. When he had his uniform on he was being paid to represent his team and sport.
      For those who are not aware of the idea of personal freedom please keep in mind that those serving in the military do not even have the privilege to speak out so freely on/off duty without consequences. Many who served during the Clinton administration still have the scars from biting their tongues when they were serving under a draft dodger as commander in chief! How difficult do you think it was for them knowing their "boss" was anti military?

    2. I agree 100% with this post. And I will add, I do not like the disrespect to our National Anthem. Protest but don't take away from a symbol that has nothing to do with your protest.

  4. The end of free speech if one is a conservative.

  5. When employed, Twitter = bad
    When married, Twitter = bad

    Twitter = bad

    Not too hard to comprehend.


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