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Sunday, July 05, 2020

Unbelievable! WARNING!!!


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    1. 3:19 Good morning sunshine! Becareful what you wish for😂

  2. This is fake, no one is going to tell you what they bare doing before they do it so they can be stopped and you people are more stupid than dirt to believe this!!!!

    1. Some dumb asses do tell you their plans, but that's not a wise strategy. Does anyone remember Trump's strategies, no, because he kept them secret.

    2. Agree. Fake news

  3. Oh come on already, these kids are a joke. Release an update for "Call of Duty" or a new flavor of pizza bites and they wouldn't even leave the house.

  4. Antifa is a Terrorist organization and it's time to start shooting them!

  5. Guess I'll put a few more Trump flags out just so they know where to come first.

  6. Governor Carney has ordered bars in Delaware to close down.

  7. Governor Carney has ordered bars in Delaware to close down because of the supposed spike in COVID cases.

  8. If they think were just gonna take it laying down...they truly are lunatics!

  9. Wow. Way to fuel baseless hysteria. You make it sound like armies of home-grown terrorists are going to drag hundreds or thousands of folks out of their suburban homes on July 4th and execute them in the streets.

  10. Yup all over the web.

  11. Time to start going after these TRAITORS.

  12. I can't wait until the people start pushing back because it's going to be a massacre on the dirtbags.

  13. Put the tin foil down

  14. Think how much better life was before facebook and twitter.

  15. ever see a watermelon explode

  16. If any of this happens, we need our President to cut the National Guard and the Military loose to find the masterminds and stop them. We are at a tipping point. God Bless America!

    1. Mastermind is George Soros. Open Society Foundation. This is a Communist Insurrection. Think Global scale. A last ditch effort to seize power from Trump/We the People. This has everything to do with the election. Same with continuing Covid shutdowns. Its all about the election.

  17. Hahahahahahahahahahahah

    Try it snowflakes!

  18. I would not worry It's as silly as one of Trump's Tweets. Have any of you been working and crossing the country making a living ? It's not that BIG and SCARY . Seems most like the people with jobs dependent close to their own back yards are freaking out. Perhaps they should have made better lasting and practical career choices.

    1. Umm. Yes it is. These are some if the most unforgiving lands in the world. Alot of this country, which I also have traveled for work like a gypsy, is imo uninhabitable. Why would anyone live where there is no water. That's stupid

  19. 4545
    Link to New Q Drop
    29 Jun 2020 - 9:19:14 PM
    Humanity is good, but, when we let our guard down we allow darkness to infiltrate and destroy.
    Like past battles fought, we now face our greatest battle at present, a battle to save our Republic, our way of life, and what we decide (each of us) now will decide our future.
    Will we be a free nation under God?
    Or will we cede our freedom, rights and liberty to the enemy?
    We all have a choice to make. .
    Evil [darkness] has never been so exposed to light.
    They can no longer hide in the shadows.
    Our system of government has been infiltrated by corrupt and sinister elements.
    Democracy was almost lost forever.
    Think HRC install: [2+] Supreme Court Justices, 200+ judges, rogue elements expanded inside DOJ, FBI, CIA, NSA, WH, STATE, …….removal 2nd amendment, border etc. ……… America for sale: China, Russia, Iran, Syria…….ISIS & AL Q expansion…….expansion surv of domestic citizens…….modify/change voter rules and regulations allow illegals+ballot harvesting w/ SC backed liberal-social opinion………sell off of military to highest bidder to fight internal long-standing wars……..
    Their thirst for a one world order [destruction of national sovereignty] serves to obtain control over America [and her allies [think EU]] by diluting your vote to oblivion and installing a new one world ruling party.
    The start of this concept began with organizations such as: world health org, world trade org, united nations, ICC, NATO, etc., [all meant to weaken the United States] also the formation of EU through threat [con] of close proximity attack [attack on one is an attack on all – sales pitch to gen public – fear control].
    Re: EU _did each member nation cede sovereignty to Brussels?
    Re: EU _each member must implement EU rules and regulations in all areas [think immigration, currency, overall control].
    Their thirst to remove your ability to defend yourself serves to prevent an uprising to challenge their control.
    There is a fundamental reason why our enemies dare not attack [invade] our borders [armed citizenry].
    If America falls so does the world.
    If America falls darkness will soon follow.
    Only when we stand together, only when we are united, can we defeat this highly entrenched dark enemy.
    Their power and control relies heavily on an uneducated population.
    A population that trusts without individual thought.
    A population that obeys without challenge.
    A population that remains outside of free thought, and instead, remains isolated living in fear inside of the closed-loop echo chamber of the controlled mainstream media.
    This is not about politics.
    This is about preserving our way of life and protecting the generations that follow.
    We are living in Biblical times.
    Children of light vs children of darkness.
    United against the Invisible Enemy of all humanity.

    1. What? Can you explain that jiberish 6:46?

  20. 6:36

    Okay but please no verbosity. Terse terse!

  21. Q is intelligence
    America fell on Nov 22, 1961

  22. Got plenty of ammo for the AR-15... not to mention the several other firearms we own...all loaded, extra magazines at the ready... guess we're a target because of our Trump flag proudly flying!

  23. America is now considered a chicken $hit country full of silent cowards that are yellow to the core , afraid and scared of antifa , blacks , mexicans and all minorities including gays. They want a female to be a leader , talk about pussies , all females in a leadership position have failed . Look at the stats.

  24. This exact thing just happened in Ocean City, fast loud fireworks heard, then they just stopped

  25. Uhhh, hello....is there anybody in there?....To start with, there's NOT 30,000 idiots per state!....wake up!

  26. I can’t wait for them to try their shit - especially around here. It will be open season and an all out massacre and it will be glorious. We need a thinning of the herd. Come on bitches, bring it. We will be happy to greet you. I can’t wait for the first gunshots from someone fighting back - this civil war is real and it’s escalating.

    1. 10:29

      Are you a Satanist?

  27. I searched for “Antigua gets owned” on YouTube last night. Every video was similar - antifa, foul mouthed, ill informed degenerates spout off against real alpha males. Beta males soundly trounced by real alpha males, and in several cases antifa alpha females get their comeuppance. Once the smack down ends, several (usually female - beta males ran while their wounded/unconscious “comrade” lays on the ground) flip script and expound their “peaceful protest”

    I don’t subscribe to violence, but do have to say I enjoyed watching them get “owned”

  28. They are terrified to come into the burbs. We saw how they backed down from a pair of people protecting their home. They do not have the stomach for war. It is not like playing a stupid video game. I say lets get it on I do not want to kill anyone but if you trespass against me I will do whatever is necessary to protect my home and family. All my neighbors have purchased long guns in the last two years. Time to thin the herd any way. I think it would last about a month and they will realize true Americans will never lay down to attacks on our freedom. I used my stimulus check to buy 223 and 308. Breathe and squeeze!!

  29. Anonymous said...
    ever see a watermelon explode

    June 30, 2020 at 4:48 PM

    LMAO! I saw what you did there.


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